Visual Perception Physiology Psychology and Ecology 4th Edition by Vicki Bruce,Mark Georgeson,Patrick Green – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781841692371,1841692379
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ISBN 10:1841692379
ISBN 13:9781841692371
Author:Vicki Bruce,Mark Georgeson,Patrick Green
This comprehensively updated and expanded revision of the successful second edition continues to provide detailed coverage of the ever-growing range of research topics in vision. In Part I, the treatment of visual physiology has been extensively revised with an updated account of retinal processing, a new section explaining the principles of spatial and temporal filtering which underlie discussions in later chapters, and an up-to-date account of the primate visual pathway. Part II contains four largely new chapters which cover recent psychophysical evidence and computational model of early vision: edge detection, perceptual grouping, depth perception, and motion perception. The models discussed are extensively integrated with physiological evidence. All other chapters in Parts II, III, and IV have also been thoroughly updated.
Visual Perception Physiology Psychology and Ecology 4th Table of contents:
Part I The Physiological Basis of Visual Perception
Chapter 1: Light and Eyes
Light and the Information it Carries
The Evolution of Light-Sensitive Structures
The compound eye
Single-chambered eyes
The Adaptive Radiation of the Vertebrate Eye
Focusing the image
Vision in bright and dim light
Sampling the optic array
Detecting colour
Chapter 2: The Neurophysiology of the Retina
The Retina of the Horseshoe Crab
Transformation of temporal pattern
Transformation of spatial pattern
The Vertebrate Retina
Concentric receptive fields
Retinal ganglion cells of monkeys
Retinal mechanisms
The Retina as a Filter
Chapter 3: Visual Pathways in the Brain
The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
The Striate Cortex
Functional architecture in the striate cortex
Spatial filtering in the striate cortex
Beyond the Striate Cortex
Functions of extrastriate visual areas
Hierarchical processing in extrastriate pathways
The Human Brain: Two Visual Pathways?
Two visual pathways: Conclusions
Dynamics and Feedback in the Visual Pathway
Effects of context on single-cell responses
Feedback between visual areas
Effects of attention
Part II Vision for Awareness
Chapter 4: Approaches to the Psychology of Visual Perception
Marr’s Theory of Visual Perception
Connectionist Models of Visual Perception
Chapter 5: Images, Filters and Features: The Primal Sketch
Light, Surfaces, and Vision
What is an image?
The Primal Sketch
Image computation
Algorithms for edge detection
Implementation: Derivative operators as spatial filters
Multiple Spatial Filters
Subthreshold summation
Contrast adaptation and masking
Filter bandwidths and spatial derivatives
Other Routes to the Primal Sketch
Energy Models for Feature Detection
Local energy from odd and even filters
Experimental evidence: Energy computations in physiology and psychophysics
Some Unresolved Questions in MultiScale Vision
Illusory Contours and Orientation Coding
A model for “illusory contours”
Convergence of cues in orientation coding
Chapter 6: Perceptual Organisation
Ambiguous Pictures
Gestalt Laws of Organisation
Common fate
Good continuation
Relative size, surroundedness, orientation, and symmetry
The law of Prägnanz
Experimental approaches to perceptual organisation
Concealment and Advertisement
Merging and contrasting
Symmetry and regularity
Countershading and reverse countershading
Immobility and camouflage
Perceptual Organisation in Other Species
Why do the Gestalt Laws Work?
Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Grouping
Scene analysis programs
Marr’s program
Finding Texture Boundaries
Energy models for texture segmentation
The Neurophysiology of Texture Segmentation
Perception as predictive coding
Suppressive surrounds: Physiology
Suppressive Surrounds: Psychophysics
Contrast discrimination
Beyond Filters: Contours and Surfaces
Contour integration: Perceptual linking along straight and curved paths
Collinear facilitation
Segmenting parts for recognition
Perceptual grouping and the representation of surfaces
Chapter 7: Seeing a 3-D World
Perceiving the third dimension
Convergence and accommodation
Binocular Stereopsis
Encoding disparity and depth
Stereopsis and single vision
How is binocular matching achieved?
Disparity from spatial phase
Stereo depth and occlusion cues
Pictorial Cues to Depth
Cast shadows
Atmospheric perspective
Perceptual completion
Depth from Motion
Interim summary
Integrating Depth Cues
Modules and cue integration
Cue integration and surface description: The 2½D sketch
Cue integration in area MT
Chapter 8: The Computation of Image Motion
First Principles: Motion as Orientation in Space-Time
Velocity from space-time gradients
Motion Detectors
The motion aftereffect
Contrast sensitivity for movement and flicker
Models of motion detectors: Direction selectivity
Encoding Local Velocity
Energy and Reichardt models compared
A Hierarchy of Processing in the Motion Energy System: From V1 to MT
Motion and area MT
From V1 to MT
Binocular summation and motion
Motion opponency
Global Motion
Spatial patterns of global motion
Global motion and the MAE
Motion, attention, and MT
Relative motion
Second-Order and “Long-Range” Motions
Apparent motion
First- and second-order motion
The role of nonlinearities
Is the second-order motion system slow and sluggish?
Second-order mechanisms for motion
The Integration of Motion Measurements
The aperture problem
Intersection of constraints or vector summation?
Role of area MT in integration of local motion components
Motion from Feature Tracking
Spatial Variations in the Velocity Field
Spatial smoothing of the velocity field
Local analysis of optic flow?
Motion-in-depth from optic flow
Position, Motion, and Eye Movements
Fading of stabilised images
Distinguishing movement of the eyes from movement in the world
The nature of the eye position signal (EEPS)
Source of the EEPS: “inflow” or “outflow”?
Motion perception during eye movements
Chapter 9: Object Recognition
Simple Mechanisms of Recognition
More Complex Recognition Processes
Template Matching
Feature Analysis
Structural Descriptions
Marr and Nishihara’s Theory of Object Recognition
Beyond Generalised Cones: Recognition by Components
Viewpoint-Dependent Recognition
Discriminating Within Categories of Objects: the Case of Face Recognition
Static vs Moving Forms
Part III Vision for Action
Chapter 10: Intro duction to the Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
J.J. Gibson’s Theory of Perception
The Control of Human Action
Implications for the role of perception
Chapter 11: Optic Flow and Locomotion
Optic Flow and Retinal Flow
The Visual Control of Insect Flight
Steering a straight course
Flying towards objects
Control of flight speed and height
Physiological mechanisms of flight control
Adaptive properties of insect flight control
Visual Control of Posture and Locomotion
Maintaining balance
Control of walking and running gait
Control of speed
Controlling direction
Chapter 12: Vision and the Timing of Actions
Scaling an Action with Distance
Timing Actions from Optic Flow
Avoiding collisions
Time to contact from optic flow: Theory
Time to contact from optic flow: Evidence
Continuous Visual Control
Controlling deceleration
Running to catch a ball
Predictive Control
Chapter 13: Perception of the Social World
Perceiving Other Animals’ Behaviour
Perceiving paths of travel
Perceiving other animals’ gaze
Human Perception of Animate Motion
Biological motion
Perception of causality
Perception of social intentions
Human Face Perception
Development of face perception
Adult face perception
Perception of gaze
Perceiving facial expressions
Categorising faces: Age, sex and attractiveness
Part IV Conclusions
Chapter 14: Contrasting Theories of Visual Perception
Cognitive and Ecological Theories of Perception
Is perception mediated by algorithms?
Does perception require representations?
Active Vision
Change blindness
On-Line Resources for Perception and Vision Science
General sites
Doing your own research
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Vicki Bruce,Mark Georgeson,Patrick Green,Physiology,Perception,Ecology