The Struggle for Shakespeare Text Twentieth Century Editorial Theory and Practice 1st Edition by Gabriel Egan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0521889170 ,9780521889179
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0521889170
ISBN 13: 9780521889179
Author: Gabriel Egan
The Struggle for Shakespeare Text Twentieth Century Editorial Theory and Practice 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1: The Beginnings of Shakespearean Editing
- Early Editions of Shakespeare’s Works: From the First Folio to the 18th Century
- The Role of the Editor in Shaping Shakespeare’s Text
- First Modern Editors: Samuel Johnson and Edmond Malone
- The Birth of Shakespearean Scholarship
Chapter 2: The Rise of Textual Theories
- The Influence of Romanticism and the Authorial Voice
- Textual Authority and the Debate Between ‘Original’ and ‘Authoritative’ Texts
- Theories of Editing: The Birth of the New Bibliography
- The Rise of Historical Criticism and Its Influence on Shakespearean Editing
Chapter 3: Early Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Editing
- The Standardization of Shakespeare’s Works
- Key Editors and Their Impact: Sir Henry Irving and F. E. Halliday
- The 1908 Oxford Edition of Shakespeare’s Works
- The Quest for the ‘True’ Shakespeare Text
Chapter 4: Modern Editorial Methods and Practices
- The Introduction of Computerized Textual Analysis
- The Development of New Editions: Arden and Pelican Shakespeare Series
- The Use of Early Manuscripts and Folios in Modern Editing
- Textual Variants and the Role of the Editor in the 20th Century
Chapter 5: The Politics of Shakespeare’s Text
- The Ideological Influence of Editing Choices
- The Struggle for Authorship and the Textual ‘Canon’
- Feminist, Postcolonial, and Queer Readings of Shakespeare’s Text
- How Political and Cultural Contexts Influence Editorial Decisions
Chapter 6: Editing Shakespeare for the Stage
- The Challenges of Performance Editions
- Shakespeare’s Texts as Performative Documents
- Notable Editions for Performance: The Royal Shakespeare Company and Methuen
- The Debate Between Authenticity and Adaptation in Performance Texts
Chapter 7: The Digital Age and the Future of Shakespeare Editing
- The Emergence of Digital Textual Editions and Online Archives
- The Role of Hypertext and Interactivity in Editing Shakespeare
- Digital Editing as a Tool for New Critical Approaches
- The Possibilities and Limitations of Digital Shakespeare Editions
Chapter 8: The Struggle for Shakespeare’s Text
- The Editor’s Role in Shaping the Legacy of Shakespeare
- The Conflict Between ‘Historical’ and ‘Modern’ Readings of Shakespeare
- How Textual Editing Reflects Shifting Cultural Attitudes
- The Ongoing Debate: Is the Text Ever Final?
- The Continuing Evolution of Shakespearean Editing
- The Legacy of 20th-Century Editorial Practices
- A Future for Shakespeare Studies in the 21st Century
- A: Key Editorial Guidelines for Shakespearean Texts
- B: Notable Editions of Shakespeare’s Works from the 20th Century
- C: A Brief Overview of the Major Theoretical Approaches to Shakespearean Editing
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