The Philosophy of Donald Davidson Library of Living Philosophers 1st Edition by Hahn Lewis – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 081269399X, 9780812693997
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 081269399X
ISBN 13: 9780812693997
Author: Hahn Lewis
The Philosophy of Donald Davidson Library of Living Philosophers 1st Table of contents:
Part 1: Davidson’s Philosophy of Language
- Theory of Meaning and Truth: Davidson’s views on the nature of meaning, his theory of truth, and his rejection of formal semantics.
- Radical Interpretation: The role of interpretation in understanding language and meaning.
- Event Semantics and Compositionality: Davidson’s theory of sentence structure and how meaning is derived from the interactions of words and events.
Part 2: Davidson’s Philosophy of Mind
- The Problem of Mental States: Davidson’s arguments against the idea that mental states can be reduced to physical states or analyzed independently of language.
- The Anomalous Monism: His theory that mental events are both physical and mental but cannot be reduced to or governed by strict laws.
- Action Theory: Davidson’s views on the nature of human actions, intentions, and explanations of behavior.
Part 3: Metaphysics and Epistemology
- Causality and the Mind-Body Problem: Davidson’s stance on causation and how it applies to both mental and physical events.
- Epistemology and Knowledge: His theory of knowledge, truth, and the limitations of human understanding.
Part 4: Davidson’s Philosophy of Action
- Intentionality and Explanation of Action: How Davidson accounts for human actions through the lens of intentionality.
- Pragmatics and Action: The interaction between action, meaning, and interpretation.
Part 5: Davidson’s Political Philosophy and Ethics
- While Davidson is mainly known for his work in philosophy of language and mind, some essays explore his views on ethics, social philosophy, and political implications of his philosophy.
Part 6: Criticisms and Debates
- Critical Responses: Contributions from philosophers offering critical perspectives on Davidson’s theories.
- Challenges and Defenses: Detailed discussions of the strengths and weaknesses of Davidson’s approach to mind, meaning, and action.
Part 7: Davidson’s Responses
- Davidson’s Reactions: Davidson’s own reflections on the criticisms and alternative interpretations of his work.
- Clarifications and Revisions: Davidson’s further elaborations or modifications of his views in light of critical discussions.
Part 8: Conclusion
- Reflection on Davidson’s lasting impact on contemporary philosophy.
- Summary of the key themes and contributions from the book’s contributors.
- Final thoughts on the future directions of philosophy influenced by Davidson’s work.
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Hahn Lewis,Philosophy,Donald Davidson,Library,Philosophers