The IACUC Handbook 3d Edition by Jerald Silverman, Mark A. Suckow, Sreekant Murthy – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1466555645, 978-1466555648
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1466555645
ISBN 13: 978-1466555648
Author: Jerald Silverman, Mark A. Suckow, Sreekant Murthy
The IACUC Handbook 3d Table of contents:
Part I: Foundations of Animal Care and Use
Chapter 1: Introduction to the IACUC and Animal Welfare:
- The History and Evolution of Animal Research Regulations
- The Three Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement)
- The Role of the IACUC
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Membership and Responsibilities
- Ethical Considerations in Animal Research
Chapter 2: Federal Regulations and Guidance:
- The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and its Regulations
- Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- Guidance from the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)
- International Harmonization of Animal Welfare Standards
Chapter 3: Animal Welfare Principles:
- Housing and Environmental Enrichment
- Husbandry and Animal Care Techniques
- Pain Management and Euthanasia
- Humane Endpoint Determination
Chapter 4: Species-Specific Considerations:
- Rodents, Rabbits, and other common lab animals
- Non-human primates, dogs, cats, and other species
- Aquatic animals, birds, and other unique considerations
Part II: IACUC Operations and Procedures
Chapter 5: Protocol Review and Approval:
- Protocol Development and Submission
- IACUC Review Process (Including documentation and record keeping)
- Criteria for Protocol Approval
- Handling Protocol Amendments and Modifications
Chapter 6: Facility Oversight and Inspections:
- Facility Design and Maintenance
- Environmental Monitoring and Management
- Program and Personnel Inspections
Chapter 7: Investigator Responsibilities:
- Training and Education Requirements for Researchers
- Maintaining Records and Reporting Requirements
- Reporting Adverse Events and Protocol Deviations
Chapter 8: Training and Education:
- IACUC Member Training
- Investigator Training Programs
- Technician and Staff Training Programs
Chapter 9: Record Keeping and Reporting:
- Maintaining Accurate and Comprehensive Records
- Reporting Requirements to Regulatory Agencies (e.g., USDA, OLAW)
- Data Management and Analysis
Part III: Specialized Topics
- Chapter 10: Field Studies and Wildlife Research: Unique considerations for research outside of laboratory settings
- Chapter 11: Genetic Engineering and Transgenic Animals: Ethical and welfare considerations
- Chapter 12: The Use of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Sedation: Best practices and pain management
- Chapter 13: Euthanasia Techniques: Humane methods and considerations
Part IV: Appendices
- Appendix A: Sample IACUC Forms and Templates
- Appendix B: Relevant Legislation and Regulations
- Appendix C: Resource List (Organizations, Websites, Publications)
- Appendix D: Glossary of Terms
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Jerald Silverman,Mark Suckow,Sreekant Murthy,IACUC,Handbook 3d