Systematic theology 1st edition by Stanley Horton- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781607311225,1607311224
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ISBN 10:1607311224
ISBN 13:9781607311225
Author:Stanley Horton
Twenty respected educators and authors examine the Pentecostal faith while addressing the strengths and weaknesses of various viewpoints. Chapters include: The Holy Trinity, The Saving Work of Christ, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, God’s Inspired Word, The One True God, Spiritual Gifts, and other areas.
Systematic theology 1st Table of contents:
Chapter I. On Method.
1. Theology a Science.
2. Theological Method.
3. The Speculative Method.
4. The Mystical Method.
5. The Inductive Method.
6. The Scriptures contain all the Facts of Theology.
Chapter II. Theology.
1. Its Nature.
2. The Facts of Nature Reveal God.
3. Insufficiency of Natural Theology.
4. Christian Theology.
Chapter III. Rationalism.
1. Meaning and Usage of the Word.
2. Deistical Rationalism.
3. The Second Form of Rationalism.
4. Dogmatism, or the Third Form of Rationalism.
5. Proper Office of Reason in Matters of Religion.
6. Relation of Philosophy and Revelation.
7. Office of the Senses in Matters of Faith.
Chapter IV. Mysticism.
1. Meaning of the Words Enthusiasm and Mysticism.
2. Mysticism in the Early Church.
3. Mysticism during the Middle Ages.
4. Mysticism at, and after the Reformation.
5. Quietism.
6. The Quakers or Friends.
7. Objections to the Mystical Theory.
Chapter V. Roman Catholic Doctrine Concerning the Rule of Faith.
1. Statement of the Doctrine.
2. Roman Catholic Doctrine concerning the Scriptures.
3. Tradition.
4. The Office of the Church as Teacher.
5. Examination of the Romish Doctrine.
6. Examination of the Doctrine of the Church of Rome on Tradition
7. Office of the Church as a Teacher.
Chapter VI. The Protestant Rule of Faith.
1. Statement of the Doctrine.
2. The Scriptures are Infallible, i. e., given by Inspiration of God.
3. Adverse Theories.
4. The Completeness of the Scriptures.
5. Perspicuity of the Scriptures. The Right of Private Judgment.
6. Rules of interpretation.
Part I. Theology Proper.
Chapter I. Origin of the Idea of God.
1. The Knowledge of God is Innate.
2. The Knowledge of God is not due to a Process of Reasoning.
3. Knowledge of God not due exclusively to Tradition.
4. Can the Existence of God be proved?
Chapter II. Theism.
1. The Ontological Argument.
2. The Cosmological Argument.
3. The Teleological Argument.
4. Objections to the Argument from Design.
5. The Moral, or Anthropological Argument.
Chapter III. Anti-Theistic Theories
1. What is meant by Anti-Theism.
2. Polytheism.
3. Hylozoism.
4. Materialism.
5. Pantheism.
Chapter IV. The Knowledge of God.
1. God can be known.
2. God cannot be fully known.
3. Hamilton’s Doctrine.
Chapter V. Nature and Attributes of God.
1. Definitions of God.
2. Divine Attributes.
3. Classification of the Divine Attributes.
4. Spirituality of God.
5. Infinity.
6. Eternity.
7. Immutability.
8. Knowledge.
9. The Will of God
10. The Power of God.
11. Holiness of God.
12. Justice.
13. The Goodness of God.
14. The Truth of God.
15. Sovereignty
Chapter VI. The Trinity.
1. Preliminary Remarks.
2. Biblical Form of the Doctrine.
3. The Transition Period.
4. The Church Doctrine as presented by the Council of Nice.
5. Points decided by these Councils.
6. Examination of the Nicene Doctrine.
7. Philosophical Form of the Doctrine of the Trinity.
Chapter VII. The Divinity of Christ.
1. Testimony of the Old Testament.
2. General Characteristics of the New Testament Teaching concerning Christ.
3. Particular Passages which Teach the Divinity of Christ
Chapter VIII. The Holy Spirit.
1. His Nature.
2. The Office of the Holy Spirit.
3. History of the Doctrine concerning the Holy Spirit.
Chapter IX. The Decrees of God.
1. The Nature of the Decrees
2. Objections to the Doctrine of Divine Decrees
Chapter X. Creation.
1. Different Theories concerning the Origin of the Universe.
2. Mediate and Immediate Creation.
3. Proof of the Doctrine.
4. Objections to the Doctrine.
5. Design of the Creation.
6. The Mosaic Account of the Creation.
Chapter XI. Providence.
1. Preservation.
2. Government.
3. Different Theories of the Divine Government.
4. Principles involved in the Scriptural Doctrine of Providence.
Chapter XII. Miracles.
1. Their Nature. Meaning and Usage of the Word.
2. The Possibility of Miracles.
3. Can a Miracle be known as such?
4. The Value of Miracles as a Proof of a Divine Revelation.
Chapter XIII. Angels.
1. Their Nature.
2. Their State.
3. Their Employments
4. Evil Angels.
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