Social Policy 3rd Edition by Hartley Dean – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781509524099 ,1509524096
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1509524096
ISBN 13: 9781509524099
Author: Hartley Dean
How do human societies provide for the wellbeing of their members? How far can we organize the ways in which we care for and about each other? And who should take responsibility for providing the support we need? These are some of the fundamental questions addressed by social policy today.
In this introduction, Hartley Dean explains the extraordinary scope and importance of social policy. He explores its foundations and contemporary significance; the principal issues it addresses and their diverse economic, political and sociological dimensions, and concludes by looking anew at fundamental challenges facing social policy in a dramatically changing world.
Introducing social policy as a broadly conceived study of human wellbeing, this revised and extensively updated third edition examines ways in which governments and peoples throughout the world attend to, promote, neglect or even undermine the things that make life worth living. These include essential services like healthcare and education; the means of livelihood – jobs and money – and sometimes intangible things such as physical and emotional security. Trying to understand these elements, which together constitute human wellbeing, is the stuff of social policy.
Social Policy 3rd Edition Table of contents:
1: What is Social Policy?
Hey, Big Spender!
Butterflies versus Magpies
Who Cares?
A Good Life
Intermediate human needs satisfiers
2: Where did it Come From?
From Barbarianism to Civilization?
The Making of Capitalism
The Taming of Capitalism
The transition from Poor Laws to incipient welfare states
Welfare and Ideology
3: Why on Earth does it Matter?
The Threat of Globalization?
Globalization ‘camps’
Human population growth and its impact
Welfare Regimes
Ecology and Human Welfare
Global Social Policy
4: What does Human Wellbeing Entail?
Health and Education
Sustainable Development Goals and targets relating to health and education
Income Maintenance and Employment
Sustainable Development Goals and targets relating to income
Housing and the Environment
Sustainable Development Goals and targets relating to housing and the environment
The ‘Personal’ Social Services
5: Who Gets What?
Sharing Public Goods
Where’s the Money?
Principles of Distribution
How does it All Pan Out?
6: Who’s in Control?
The Problem of Power
Perspectives on powerlessness
Street-Level Organization and Local Governance
The Nation State and the Policy Process
Regional Governance
7: What’s the Trouble with Human Society?
Diversity and Difference
Associated diversities
Class and Identity
Inequality and Exclusion
Social Change and the Life Course
Fluid families
8: Can Social Policy Solve Social Problems?
The (De-)construction of Social Problems
The Righting of Wrongs
Blaming the Victim
Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
9: How are the Times a-Changing?
The Crisis of Welfare
New Perspectives in Social Policy
Welfare Pluralism and New Managerialism
The evolving face of new public managerialism: the process of marketization
The evolving face of new public managerialism: the process of modernization
Post-Modernity and ‘Risk Society’
10: Where is Social Policy Going?
Austerian liberalism
An Anti-Capitalist Agenda
Unprincipled Populism
Ameliorative Social Investment
Summary and Conclusion
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