Prologue to Violence Child Abuse Dissociation and Crime 1st Edition by Abby Stein, Donnel B. Stern – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0881634166, 9780881634167
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ISBN 10: 0881634166
ISBN 13: 9780881634167
Author: Abby Stein, Donnel B. Stern
Despite mounting references to the “transgenerational transmission of violence,” we still lack a compelling understanding of the linkage between the interpersonal violence of early life and the criminal violence of adulthood. In Prologue to Violence, Abby Stein draws on the gripping narratives of 65 incarcerated subjects and extensive material from law enforcement files to remedy this lacuna in both the forensic and psychodynamic literature. In the process, she calls into question prevailing beliefs about criminal character and motivation. For Stein the early trauma to which adult criminals are subjected remains unformulated and, as such, unavailable for reflection. Contrary to common belief, these criminals, especially sex murderers, do not commit their crimes in a rational or fully conscious way. They are not driven by deviant fantasy, their psychopathy is not inborn, and they rarely commit acts of violence “without conscience.” Stein’s interdisciplinary analysis of her data infuses contemporary relational psychoanalysis with the insights of neuroscience, traumatology, criminology, and cognitive and narrative psychology. A powerful challenge to offender treatment programs to address the shaping impact of childhood trauma rather than merely to “correct” the cognitions of violent offenders, Prologue to Violence will be equally compelling to researchers and academics investigating child abuse and adult violence. Its mental health readership will be broad and deep, ranging beyond clinicians who work with offender populations to all therapists who wrestle with experiences of dissociation and aggressive enactment in everyday life.
Prologue to Violence Child Abuse Dissociation and Crime 1st Table of contents:
1 Who, me? Locating Agency in Violent Narratives
Initial Research
Child Maltreatment and Dissociation
Child Maltreatment, Dissociation and Adult Violence
The Traumatized Brain
Punishment and Guilt
Sexual Homicide: An Attachment Theory
Personae Non Gratae
Where Do We Go from Here?
Methods and Sources
Secondary Sources
trauma and Trauma
2 Conversing with Mutes
The Text of Muteness1
Forked Tongues
Silent Films
Psychic Law: Letter and Spirit
The Language of Offense
A Failed Connection
Conflation and Distortion: The Undetermined Self
Incomplete Sentences: Trauma and Linguistic Failure
The Neurological Subtext
Language Short-Circuited: The Timing of Trauma
The Expressive Logic of Criminality
Case Examples: The Absence of Symbolization
3 Criminals’ Bad Luck1
Police Files
Case One
Case Two
Case Three
Case Four
Following the Criminal Trail
On Nothingness
Getting Seen
Holding Pens
Clinical case
Subjectivity and Intention
Trauma Redux
From Vigilant to Vigilante
Reparation and Rapproachement
Asserting Guilt: Primeval Forms
Police File
The Interrogation
Family History
The Mutilation of Objects
Anxiety and Aggression
4 Maximum Perversion
Attachment Fantasies, Once Removed
When is a Fantasy not a Fantasy?
Failed Fantasies
Differentiating Fantasy from Reality
Bewitched: The Sexualization of Trauma
Fantasy, Fusion, and Sexual Homicide
The Murder of Kim Standard
The Justus-Plethory Narratives
Dissociative Reverie
5 Dreaming While Awake
The Estranged Self
A Clinical Example
Trauma and Pre-Trauma
Annihilation Realized
Attributions of Agency
Personification and Subnarration
Plural States
Personae Non Gratae
Controlling the Body
The Three Faces of Adam
Petrifaction: The Lost Narrative
Putrefaction: The Vengeful Narrative
Purification: The Redemptive Narrative
Scripted Improvisations and Violent Finales
Time Waits
Meaning from Nothingness
6 Conclusion Consciousness, Culpability, and Control
Shades of Aggression
Of Means and Ends
From Dissociation to Enactment and Back Again
From Empathy to Self-Control and Back Again
Agency: The Unseen Hand
Clinician, Heal Thyself
Can Treatment Work?
Maximum Security
Programs that Work
Grendon Prison: A Therapeutic Community
PREP: A Family Systems Therapy
The Violence Prevention Project: A Residential Treatment Program
Final Reflections
Two Doctors
Jean-Claude Romand
Mark Hacking: Romand Manqué
Concluding Note: Making Stories Make Sense
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Abby Stein,Donnel B Stern,Prologue,Violence Child,Abuse Dissociation,Crime