Programming in Objective C 3rd Edition by Stephen Kochan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780672331411 ,0672331411
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0672331411
ISBN 13: 9780672331411
Author: Stephen Kochan
Programming in Objective C 3rd Edition Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Some Fundamentals
3. Compiling and Running Your First Program
4. Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions
5. Program Looping
6. Making Decisions
7. Working with Arrays
8. Working with Functions
9. Working with Structures
10. Character Strings
11. Pointers
12. Operations on Bits
13. The Preprocessor
14. More on Data Types
15. Working with Larger Programs
16. Input and Output Operations in C
17. Miscellaneous and Advanced Features
18. Debugging Programs
19. Object-Oriented Programming
A. C Language Summary
B. The Standard C Library
C. Compiling Programs with gcc
D. Common Programming Mistakes
E. Resources
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