Plastic Words The Tyranny of a Modular Language 1st Edition by Uwe Poerksen – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0271024925, 9780271024929
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ISBN 10: 0271024925
ISBN 13: 9780271024929
Author: Uwe Poerksen
Development. “Project.” “Strategy.” “Problem.” These may seem like harmless words, but are they? German writer and linguist Uwe Poerksen calls these words “plastic words” because of their malleability and the uncanny way they are used to fit every circumstance. Like plastic Lego blocks, they are combinable and interchangeable. In the mouths of experts—politicians, professors, corporate officials, and planners—they are used over and over again to explain and justify plans and projects. In the 1940s Harry S. Truman made “underdevelopment” a keystone in U.S. foreign policy, and today the “developed” nations are dedicated to helping their “underdeveloped” neighbors. But who benefits from “development”? Who benefited from the housing “projects” of the 1960s and 1970s? And who among us does not worry when our leaders tell us they have a “strategy” for solving society’s “problems”?
Plastic Words The Tyranny of a Modular Language 1st Table of contents:
Introduction: The Power of Words in Shaping Reality
- Overview of Language and Thought
- Defining “Plastic Words”
- How Modular Language Restricts Expression
The Rise of Modular Language
- Historical Context of Language Evolution
- The Industrialization of Language
- Technological Influence on Language
The Tyranny of Simplified Meaning
- How Language Becomes Over-Simplified
- The Impact of Simplified Language on Thought
- The Dangers of Reducing Complex Ideas to Soundbites
Language as a Tool of Control
- Language in Politics and Media
- How Words Are Used to Manipulate Perception
- Case Studies of Language in Advertising and Propaganda
The Decline of Nuanced Expression
- The Loss of Richness in Language
- The Impact on Creativity and Critical Thinking
- The Flattening of Human Experience Through Language
The Modular Language of Consumerism
- How Marketing and Consumer Culture Shape Language
- The Business of Words: Branding and Identity
- Language and the Commodification of Human Needs
Reclaiming Language and Meaning
- Strategies for Reviving Nuanced Language
- How Writers and Thinkers Can Fight the Tyranny of Modular Language
- The Role of Education in Restoring Language’s Depth
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