Physics of Fluids in Microgravity 1st Edition BY Rodolfo Monti – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1482265052, 978-1482265057
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ISBN 10: 1482265052
ISBN 13: 978-1482265057
Author: Rodolfo Monti
Physics of Fluids in Microgravity 1st Table of contents:
Fluid Science Relevance in Microgravity Research 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Role of Fluid Behaviour in Microgravity Experimentation
1.3 Microgravity Relevance
1.4 Fluidynamic Equations and Typical Assumptions
1.5 Convective vs. Diffusive Transport
1.6 Examples of the Evaluation of the Convective Terms
1.6.1 Evaluation of the Velocity Originated by a Steady Gravity Field
1.6.2 Evaluation of the Velocity Originated by the Marangoni Effect
1.6.3 Convective Motion Induced by a Solidification Front
1.6.4 Convection Induced by Fluid Heating
1.7 Typical Microgravity Environment on MG Platforms
1.8 Conclusions
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Mechanical Behaviour of Liquid Bridges in Microgravity 2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Drops, Jets, and Liquid Bridges
2.1.2 The Standard Liquid Bridge
2.1.3 Problems of Interest in Liquid Bridge Research and Microgravity Relevance
2.1.4 The Liquid Bridge as a Mechanical Model for the Floating Zone Process
2.2 Theoretical Results in the Mechanical Behaviour of Liquid Bridges
2.2.1 Statics
2.2.2 Dynamics
2.3 Experimental Results in the Mechanical Behaviour of Liquid Bridges
2.3.1 The Need and Objectives of Experiments
2.3.2 Past Experiments
2.4 Prospective
2.4.1 Future Experimental Opportunities
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Interfacial Phenomena 3.1 The Surface Tension: One of the Most Sensitive Parameters of the Surface Physico-Chemical Condition
3.1.1 Theoretical Background
3.2 New Theories on Adsorption Dynamics
3.2.1 Interfacial Adsorption in Aqueous Systems
3.2.2 Gas-Liquid Exchange at High Temperatures
3.3 Surface Tension Measurements Under Static and Dynamic Conditions: Ground Techniques
3.3.1 Experimental Determination of Surface Tension
3.3.2 Capillary Pressure Methods
3.4 Microgravity Measurements: Motivations, Status, and Results
3.5 Perspectives
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Thermal Marangoni Flows 4.1 Historical Background
4.2 Marangoni Convection and Microgravity
4.3 Application-Oriented Problems
4.3.1 Floating Zone
4.3.2 Open Boat
4.3.3 Solidification of Immiscible Alloys
4.4 Basic Research Topics Relative to Thermal Marangoni Flows
4.4.1 Non-Dimensional Quantities
4.4.2 Marangoni Boundary Layers
4.4.3 Liquid Bridge
4.4.4 Open Cavity
4.4.5 Interaction of Drops with Interfaces
4.5 Conclusions
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Interfacial Patterns and Waves 5.1 Introduction
5.2 Thermoconvective Patterns and Their Evolution Near Threshold
5.3 Overstability and Waves, Scaling, and Heuristic Arguments
5.4 Non-Linear Waves: Asymptotic Theory
5.5 Interfacial Waves: Experimental Evidence
5.6 Onset of Patterns and Waves in Multilayer Systems
5.7 Summary of Results and Microgravity Relevance
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Fluid Mechanics of Bubbles and Drops 6.1 Introduction
6.2 Important Dimensionless Groups
6.3 Theoretical Developments
6.4 Experiments on the Ground
6.5 Experiments in Reduced Gravity
6.6 Future Prospects
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Diffusion and Thermodiffusion in Microgravity 7.3 Theoretical Evaluations of Diffusion Coefficients
7.3.1 Molecular Dynamics Numerical Simulations
7.3.2 Theories for Isothermal Diffusion
7.3.3 Theories for Sor et Coefficients in Liquids
7.4 Ground-Based Measurement Techniques
7.4.1 Description of the Approaches
7.4.2 Main Experimental Problems in Ground-Based Measurements
7.5 Measurements in Microgravity
7.5.1 Binary Sor et Coefficients
7.5.2 Self- and Inter-Diffusion Coefficients
7.6 Prospects
7.6.1 Open Questions
7.6.2 New Investigation Fields
7.6.3 Examples of Some Approaches Proposed by Microgravity
7.7 Conclusions
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Critical and Supercritical Fluids and Related Phenomena 8.1 The Basics of Critical Point Phenomena in Fluids
8.1.1 Thermodynamics: Order Parameter, Critical Fluctuations
8.1.2 Correlation Length of Fluctuations as a Natural Length Scale
8.1.3 Critical Slowing-Down: Unit of Time
8.1.4 Thermalization by the ‘Piston Effect’: Critical Speeding Up
8.1.5 Phase Separation Dynamics
8.1.6 Wetting and Adsorption Properties: The Capillary Length
8.2 The Role of Hydrodynamics
8.2.1 External Hydrodynamics Due to Gravity
8.2.2 Zero-G Hydrodynamics
8.2.3 Vibration-Induced Hydrodynamics
8.3 Fifteen Years of Space Experimentation
8.3.1 Why Zero-G Experiments?
8.3.2 Historical Approach and Major Breakthroughs
8.3.3 Facilities and Flight Opportunities
8.4 Future Experimentation in the International Space Station
8.4.1 The Fundamentals of Critical Point
8.4.2 Phase Ordering
8.4.3 Vibrational Effects
8.4.4 Boiling, Two-Phase Thermalization, and Wetting Out of Equilibrium
8.4.5 Supercritical Water Oxidation
8.5 Concluding Remarks: How to Work with the International Space Station?
8.5.1 The Planned Facilities
8.5.2 Preparing Experiments
8.5.3 Operating Experiments
8.5.4 Data and Results
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Microgravity Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer 9.1 Background
9.2 Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
9.3 Thermal-Gravitational Modelling and Scaling
9.3.1 Similarity Considerations and Dimension Analysis
9.3.2 Quantitative Examples
9.4 Modelling and Experiments
9.4.1 Modelling Equations
9.4.2 Results for Adiabatic Flow
9.4.3 Condensation Lengths
9.5 Flow Pattern Mapping Issues
10. Transient and Sloshing Motions in an Unsupported Container
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Discussion of Some Qualitative Features of the Dynamics
10.3 Liquid Motion
10.3.1 Formulation
10.3.2 Representations of the Velocity Field
10.3.3 Simplifications and Limiting Cases
10.3.4 Damping
10.4 Motion of the Combined Liquid-Solid System
10.4.1 The Solid Container
10.4.2 The Combined Liquid-Solid System
10.4.3 Dynamic Stability Model
10.5 Compendium of Flow Models
10.5.1 Small Liquid Displacement
10.5.2 Large Free-Surface Motion
10.6 Numerical Aspects of Liquid-Solid Coupling
10.6.1 Numerical Instability
10.6.2 Stable Numerical Coupling
10.7 Experimental Investigations
10.8 Sloshsat FLEVO
10.8.1 The Sloshsat Motion Simulator (SMS)
10.8.2 The Slug Model in SMS
10.9 Conclusions
11. Pool Boiling and Bubble Dynamics in Microgravity
11.1 Introduction and Application
11.2 Boiling Heat Transfer
11.2.1 Description of Boiling Regimes
11.2.2 Influence of Gravity on Heat Transfer Correlation
11.2.3 Newton’s Law of Heat Transfer
11.3 Experiments in Microgravity
11.3.1 Facilities
11.3.2 Experiment Container for Boiling
11.4 Results of Heat Transfer
11.4.1 Saturated Nucleate Boiling
11.4.2 Subcooled Nucleate Boiling
11.4.3 Critical Heat Flux
11.4.4 Film Boiling
11.4.5 Conclusions from Nucleate Boiling
11.5 Bubble Growth Model
11.6 Bubble Dynamics – Experimental Observations
11.6.1 Analytical Bubble Growth
11.6.2 Bubble Detachment
11.6.3 Bubble Growth Till Ripeness
11.6.4 Lateral and Vertical Bubble Coalescence
11.6.5 Vapour Transport by Perpendicular Bubble Coalescence
11.7 Subcooled Boiling
11.7.1 Observations
11.7.2 Origin of Thermocapillary Convection
11.7.3 Various Modes of Subcooled Boiling
11.8 Conclusions and Future Perspectives
12. Combustion Phenomena at Microgravity
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Comparison of Time Scales for Premixed-Gas Combustion
12.3 Premixed Gas Flames
12.3.1 Flammability Limits
12.3.2 Stretched Flames
12.3.3 Flame Balls
12.3.4 Autoignition and ‘Cool Flames’
12.3.5 Turbulent Premixed Flames
12.4 Gaseous Non-Premixed Flames
12.4.1 Stretched Flames
12.4.2 Laminar Gas-Jet Flames
12.4.3 Turbulent Flames
12.4.4 Soot Formation Processes
12.5 Condensed-Phase Combustion
12.5.1 Droplet Combustion
12.5.2 Candle Flames
12.5.3 Flame Spread Over Solid Fuel Beds
12.5.4 Flame Spread Over Liquid Fuel Pools
12.6 Recommendations for Future Studies
12.6.1 Reabsorption Effects
12.6.2 High Pressure Combustion
12.6.3 Three-Dimensional Effects
12.6.4 Gas-Jet Flames
12.6.5 Quasi-Steady Spherical Diffusion Flames
12.6.6 Catalytic Combustion
12.6.7 Chemical Models
12.7 Conclusions
13. Fluid Flow and Solute Segregation in Crystal Growth from the Melt
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Theoretical Background
13.2.1 Governing Equations
13.2.2 The Solute Boundary Layer Concept
13.2.3 Macrosegregation
13.2.4 Microsegregation
13.2.5 The Microgravity Environment
13.3 Survey of Experiments
13.3.1 Crystallization from a Molten Zone or a Molten Drop
13.3.2 Bridgman Configuration
13.3.3 The Mephisto Program
13.3.4 Miscellaneous
13.4 Current Trends
13.4.1 Magnetic Fields
13.4.2 Baffles
13.4.3 Diagnostics
13.4.4 Miscellaneous
13.5 Conclusions
14. Fluid Flows and Macromolecular Crystal Growth in Microgravity
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Crystallization of Biological Molecules
14.3 Crystallization Methods in the Laboratory
14.4 Crystallization and Microgravity
14.4.1 Microeffects
14.4.2 Macroeffects
14.5 Crystallization in Microgravity – Practical Aspects
14.5.1 Methods Available
14.5.2 Experimental Observations
14.6 Crystallization in Microgravity – Theoretical Studies
14.7 Mimicking Microgravity
14.8 Evaluating the Crystals
14.9 Discussion and Concluding Remarks
15. Fluid-Dynamics Experiment Sensitivity to Accelerations Prevailing on Microgravity Platforms
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Analysis of Typical Problems
15.2.1 Relevant Processes and Field Equations
15.2.2 Parameters for the Evaluation of Disturbances
15.2.3 Effect of Single-Frequency Periodic Acceleration
15.3 Quasi-Steady Accelerations
15.3.1 Residual Acceleration Orthogonal to the Density Gradient
15.3.2 Residual Acceleration Parallel to the Density Gradient
15.3.3 Residual Acceleration at Different Angles with the Density Gradient
15.4 Periodic g-Jitter
15.4.1 Time-Averaged Field Equations
15.4.2 Multiple Frequency Excitation
15.4.3 Influence of Simultaneous Residual-g and g-Jitter
15.5 Pulsed Accelerations
15.5.1 Single Pulses: G-Dose Model
15.5.2 Multiple Pulses
15.5.3 Tolerability Criteria for Acceleration Pulses
15.6 The International Space Station as a Microgravity Platform
15.6.1 Numerical Simulations for a Typical Case Study
15.6.2 Orienting the Experiment Cell to Take Advantage of the Residual-g
15.6.3 On-Ground Simulation of Microgravity Experimentation
15.7 Conclusions
Nomenclature and Acronyms
16. Facilities for Microgravity Fluid Science Research Onboard ISS
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The International Space Station
16.2.1 Organization of the ISS
16.2.2 Characteristics of the ISS
16.3 Elements of the ISS
16.3.1 The Pressurized Modules
16.3.2 Columbus Orbital Facility (COF)
16.3.3 JEM
16.4 Fluid Science Facilities
16.4.1 Introduction to Fluid Science Facilities
16.4.2 Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) – NASA
16.4.3 Fluid Science Lab (FSL) – ESA
16.4.4 Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF) – NASDA
16.4.5 Other Possibilities of Experimentation on the ISS
16.5 Diagnostics for Fluid Science
16.5.1 Introduction to Diagnostic Techniques
16.5.2 Interferometry
16.5.3 Infrared Measurement
16.6 ISS Ground Infrastructure
16.6.1 The Control and Payload Centres
16.6.2 The User Support and Operation Centres (USOCs)
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