Nonlinear Control 1st Edition by Hassan K Khalil – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1292060506, 9781292060507
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ISBN 10: 1292060506
ISBN 13: 9781292060507
Author: Hassan K Khalil
For a first course on nonlinear control that can be taught in one semester ‘ This book emerges from the award-winning book, Nonlinear Systems, but has a distinctly different mission and’organization. While Nonlinear Systems was intended as a reference and a text on nonlinear system analysis and its application to control, this streamlined book is intended as a text for a first course on nonlinear control. In Nonlinear Control, author Hassan K. Khalil employs a writing style that is intended to make the book accessible to a wider audience without compromising the rigor of the presentation. ‘ Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It will help: *Provide an Accessible Approach to Nonlinear Control: This streamlined book is intended as a text for a first course on nonlinear control that can be taught in one semester.*Support Learning: Over 250 end-of-chapter exercises give students plenty of opportunities to put theory into action.
Nonlinear Control 1st Table of contents:
1.1 Nonlinear Models
1.2 Nonlinear Phenomena
1.3 Overview of the Book
1.4 Exercises
Two-Dimensional Systems
2.1 Qualitative Behavior of Linear Systems
2.2 Qualitative Behavior Near Equilibrium Points
2.3 Multiple Equilibria
2.4 Limit Cycles
2.5 Numerical Construction of Phase Portraits
2.6 Exercises
Stability of Equilibrium Points
3.1 Basic Concepts
3.2 Linearization
3.3 Lyapunov’s Method
3.4 The Invariance Principle
3.5 Exponential Stability
3.6 Region of Attraction
3.7 Converse Lyapunov Theorems
3.8 Exercises
Time-Varying and Perturbed Systems
4.1 Time-varying Systems
4.2 Perturbed Systems
4.3 Boundedness and Ultimate Boundedness
4.4 Input-to-State Stability
4.5 Exercises
5.1 Memoryless Functions
5.2 State Models
5.3 Positive Real Transfer Functions
5.4 Connection with Lyapunov Stability
5.5 Exercises
Input-Output Stability
6.1 L Stability
6.2 L Stability of State Models
6.3 L² Gain
6.4 Exercises
Stability of Feedback Systems
7.1 Passivity Theorems
7.2 The Small-Gain Theorem
7.3 Absolute Stability
7.3.1 Circle Criterion
7.3.2 Popov Criterion
7.4 Exercises
Special Nonlinear Forms
8.1 Normal Form
8.2 Controller Form
8.3 Observer Form
8.4 Exercises
State Feedback Stabilization
9.1 Basic Concepts
9.2 Linearization
9.3 Feedback Linearization
9.4 Partial Feedback Linearization
9.5 Backstepping
9.6 Passivity-Based Control
9.7 Control Lyapunov Functions
9.8 Exercises
Robust State Feedback Stabilization
10.1 Sliding Mode Control
10.2 Lyapunov Redesign
10.3 High-Gain Feedback
10.4 Exercises
Nonlinear Observers
11.1 Local Observers
11.2 The Extended Kalman Filter
11.3 Global Observers
11.4 High-Gain Observers
11.5 Exercises
Output Feedback Stabilization
12.1 Linearization
12.2 Passivity-Based Control
12.3 Observer-Based Control
12.4 High-Gain Observers and the Separation Principle
12.5 Robust Stabilization of Minimum Phase Systems
12.5.1 Relative Degree One
12.5.2 Relative Degree Higher Than One
12.6 Exercises
Tracking and Regulation
13.1 Tracking
13.2 Robust Tracking
13.3 Transition Between Set Points
13.4 Robust Regulation via Integral Action
13.5 Output Feedback
13.6 Exercises
A Examples
A.1 Pendulum
A.2 Mass—Spring System
A.3 Tunnel-Diode Circuit
A.4 Negative-Resistance Oscillator
A.5 DC-to-DC Power Converter
A.6 Biochemical Reactor
A.7 DC Motor
A.8 Magnetic Levitation
A.9 Electrostatic Microactuator
A.10 Robot Manipulator
A.11 Inverted Pendulum on a Cart
A.12 Translational Oscillator with Rotating Actuator
B Mathematical Review
C Composite Lyapunov Functions
C.1 Cascade Systems
C.2 Interconnected Systems
C.3 Singularly Perturbed Systems
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Hassan K Khalil,Nonlinear Control