Nero The End of a Dynasty 1st Edition by Miriam Griffin – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1134610432, 9780203133095
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1134610432
ISBN 13: 9780203133095
Author: Miriam Griffin
Nero’s personality and crimes have always intrigued historians and writers of fiction. However, his reign also illuminates the nature of the Julio-Claudian Principate. Nero’s suicide brought to an end the dynasty Augustus had founded, and placed in jeopardy the political system he had devised. Miriam T. Griffin’s authoratitive survey of Nero’s reign incorporates both a chronological account, as well as an analysis of the reasons for Nero’s collapse under the pressure of his role as emperor.
Nero The End of a Dynasty 1st Table of contents:
1 Nero’s Principate
3 The New Ruler
4 The Golden Age
5 Partners in Power
6 The Turning Point
Signs of Stress in the Good Years
Ideological Tension
Attitudes to Claudius
7 The Descent into Tyranny
The New Advisers
Personality and Principate
Bread …
… and Circuses
First without Equals
8 The Tyranny of Art
Numismatic Innovations
Architecture and Town Planning
9 The Artistic Tyrant
The Literary Renaissance
Neronian Patronage
The Theory of a Literary Opposition
The Emperor on the Stage
10 ‘What an Artist Dies With Me’
The Pisonian Conspiracy
The Persecution of the Stoics
The Vinician Conspiracy
2 Post-Mortem on the Fall of Nero
11 Why Did It Happen?
12 The Problem of the Succession
Nero’s Rivals
13 The Problem Of Finance
The Augustan Pattern
The Magnificent Monarch
14 The Temptation of Philhellenism
Nero’s Greek Tastes
Practical Benefits
Family and Imperial History
The Notion of Divine Monarchy
15 The Military Image of the Princeps
Neronian Foreign Policy
The Pursuit of Glory
Appendix One Sources for the Neronian Material in Tacitus Annals, Suetonius Nero and Cassius Dio
Appendix Two Nero’s Later Coinage
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