Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics 2nd Edition by Roger Temam,Alain Miranville – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9780521617239,0521617235
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ISBN 10:0521617235
ISBN 13:9780521617239
Author:Roger Temam,Alain Miranville
Temam and Miranville present core topics within the general themes of fluid and solid mechanics. The brisk style allows the text to cover a wide range of topics including viscous flow, magnetohydrodynamics, atmospheric flows, shock equations, turbulence, nonlinear solid mechanics, solitons, and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This second edition will be a unique resource for those studying continuum mechanics at the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate level whether in engineering, mathematics, physics or the applied sciences. Exercises and hints for solutions have been added to the majority of chapters, and the final part on solid mechanics has been substantially expanded. These additions have now made it appropriate for use as a textbook, but it also remains an ideal reference book for students and anyone interested in continuum mechanics.
Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics 2nd Table of contents:
CHAPTER ONE Describing the motion of a system: geometry and kinematics
1.1. Deformations
Regularity assumption
Elementary deformations
a) Rigid deformations
b) Linear compression or elongation
c) Shear
1.2. Motion and its observation (kinematics)
Explicit representation of the motion
Trajectory of a particle
Velocity of a particle
Acceleration of a particle
Stream lines
1.3. Description of the motion of a system: Eulerian and Lagrangian derivatives
Lagrangian description of the motion of a system (description by the trajectories)
Eulerian description of the motion of a system (description by the velocity field)
Eulerian and Lagrangian derivatives
Application to the computation of acceleration in the Eulerian representation
1.4. Velocity field of a rigid body: helicoidal vector fields
Operations on helicoidal vector fields
a) Sum and product by a scalar
b) Topology
c) Differentiation
Structure of a helicoidal vector field
1.5. Differentiation of a volume integral depending on a parameter
CHAPTER TWO The fundamental law of dynamics
2.1. The concept ofmass
Conservation of mass
Consequence of mass conservation: the continuity equation in Eulerian variables
Conservation of mass in Lagrangian variables
Kinetic energy of a system with respect to a frame of reference
Linear and angular momentum and the corresponding HVF (Helicoidal Vector Field)
Quantities of acceleration and the corresponding HVF
2.2. Forces
The corresponding HVF
2.3. The fundamental law of dynamics and its first consequences
2.4. Application to systems ofmaterial points and to rigid bodies
Systems of material points
Analytical expression of the fundamental law
Rigid bodies
Inertia tensor at a point A
2.5. Galilean frames: the fundamental law of dynamics expressed in a non-Galilean frame
Comparison of velocities and accelerations in two different frames
The fundamental law in a non-Galilean frame
Galilean frames
CHAPTER THREE The Cauchy stress tensor and the Piola-Kirchhoff tensor. Applications
3.1. Hypotheses on the cohesion forces
3.2. The Cauchy stress tensor
3.3. General equations ofmotion
Equilibrium equations
3.4. Symmetry of the stress tensor
3.5. The Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
CHAPTER FOUR Real and virtual powers
4.1. Study of a system of material points
The case of a material point
The case of a system of n material points M1,…,Mn
4.2. General material systems: rigidifying velocities
Virtual velocity fields rigidifying a partition
4.3. Virtual power of the cohesion forces: the general case
The virtual power theorem
4.4. Real power: the kinetic energy theorem
CHAPTER FIVE Deformation tensor, deformation rate tensor, constitutive laws
5.1. Further properties of deformations
Distortion of distances
Distortion of angles
5.2. The deformation rate tensor
5.3. Introduction to rheology: the constitutive laws
Some principles of rheology
Main examples in fluid mechanics
Newtonian viscous fluids
Non-Newtonian fluids
Main examples in solid mechanics
Elastic media
a) Linear or classical elasticity
b) Nonlinear elasticity (hyperelasticity)
c) Hypoelasticity
Viscoelastic materials (materials with memory)
Plastic materials
a) Perfectly plastic (or plastic rigid) materials
b) Elastoplastic materials
c) Viscoplastic materials
d) Prandtl–Reuss law
5.4. Appendix.Change of variable in a surface integral
CHAPTER SIX Energy equations and shock equations
6.1. Heat and energy
The energy conservation principle: the first law of thermodynamics
The energy conservation equation
Particular cases
6.2. Shocks and the Rankine–Hugoniot relations
Principle of the study
Consequence: the shock conditions
Application to conservation laws: the Rankine–Hugoniot relations
a) Conservation of mass
b) Conservation of momentum
Conservation of energy
CHAPTER SEVEN General properties of Newtonian fluids
7.1. General equations of fluids mechanics
The equations
Inviscid fluids
Incompressible fluids
The vorticity equation
Equation of state: barotropic fluids
Boundary conditions
Other cases
7.2. Statics of fluids
Statics of incompressible fluids
a) Contact between two fluids
b) The Venturi device
c) The Pitot tube
Statics of compressible barotropic fluids: a first approximation in meteorology
7.3. Remark on the energy of a fluids
CHAPTER EIGHT Flows of inviscid fluids
8.1. General theorems
The Bernoulli, Kelvin, and Lagrange theorems
8.2. Plane irrotational flows
Velocity potential and stream function
Elementary stationary plane flows
a) Uniform flows
b) Sources and sinks
c) Singular point vortex
d) Doublet
e) Flow in an angle or around an angle
f) Flow with circulation around a circle
Computation of the forces on a wall: Blasius formulas
Airfoil theory: the analytic approach
a) The Kutta–Joukowski condition
b) Numerical methods
8.3. Transsonic flows
8.4. Linear accoustics
“Infinitesimal” motion assumption
CHAPTER NINE Viscous fluids and thermohydraulics
9.1. Equations ofviscous incompressible fluids
9.2. Simple flows of viscous incompressible fluids
Poiseuille flow between two parallel planes
a) The two-dimensional case
b) The Three-Dimensional Case
Poiseuille flow in a cylindrical tube
Flows between two coaxial cylinders (Couette–Taylor flows)
9.3. Thermohydraulics
9.4. Equations in nondimensional form: similarities
9.5. Notions of stability and turbulence
9.6. Notion of boundary layer
A plane wall instantaneously set-in motion
Mathematical model
CHAPTER TEN Magnetohydrodynamics and inertial conflnement of plasmas
10.1. The Maxwell equations and electromagnetism
Conservation of the electric charge
Faraday’s law
Interface laws
Constitutive laws
Electromagnetism in a stable medium
10.2. Magnetohydrodynamics
10.3. The Tokamak machine
11.1. Equations for mixtures of fluids
11.2. Equations ofchemical kinetics
11.3. The equations of combustion
Model of premixed laminar frame
11.4. Stefan–Maxwell equations
11.5. A simplifed problem: the two-species model
CHAPTER TWELVE Equations of the atmosphere and of the ocean
12.1. Preliminaries
The fundamental law of dynamics on a frame attached to the earth
Static equations of the atmosphere
The differential operators on the sphere
12.2. Primitive equations of the atmosphere
12.3. Primitive equations of the ocean
12.4. Chemistry of the atmosphere and the ocean
Appendix. The differential operators in spherical coordinates
CHAPTER THIRTEEN The general equations of linear elasticity
13.1. Back to the stress–strain law oflinear elasticity: the elasticity coefficients of a material
Other elasticity coefficients: the Young and Poisson moduli
13.2. Boundary value problems in linear elasticity: the linearization principle
Linearization of the equations
Linearization of the boundary conditions
a) Prescribed displacement
b) Prescribed stress
Particular cases
a) Statics
b) Evolutionary case
Boundary value problems
a) Elastostatics
b) Elastodynamics
c) Linearity
13.3. Other equations
Compatibility equations (for the deformations)
The Beltrami equations
Other equations
13.4. The limit of elasticity criteria
The Tresca criterion
The von Mises criterion
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Classical problems of elastostatics
14.1. Longitudinal traction–compression of a cylindrical bar
Comparison with experiment
14.2. Uniform compression of an arbitrary body
14.3. Equilibrium of a spherical container subjected to external and internal pressures
Boundary conditions
Limit of elasticity
14.4. Deformation of a vertical cylindrical body under the action of its weight
14.5. Simple bending of a cylindrical beam
Discussion of the result
14.6. Torsion of cylindrical shafts
Boundary conditions
Elasticity limit (for a cylindrical shaft of radius a)
14.7.The Saint-Venant principle
CHAPTER FIFTEEN Energy theorems, duality, and variational formulations
15.1. Elastic energy of a material
15.2. Duality–generalization
15.3. The energy theorems
15.4. Variational formulations
15.5. Virtual power theorem and variational formulations
Reciprocity theorem
CHAPTER SIXTEEN Introduction to nonlinear constitutive laws and to homogenization
16.1. Nonlinear constitutive laws (nonlinear elasticity)
16.2. Nonlinear elasticity with a threshold (Henky’s elastoplastic model)
16.3. Nonconvex energy functions
16.4. Composite materials: the problem of homogenization
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Nonlinear elasticity and an application to biomechanics
17.1. The equations of nonlinear elasticity
Constitutive laws
Reference configuration and natural state
Constitutive laws near a reference configuration
Saint Venant-Kirchhoff material
17.2. Boundary conditions–boundary value problems
17.3. Hyperelastic materials
17.4. Hyperelastic materials in biomechanics
Saint Venant-Kirchhoff materials
Hyperelastic materials in biomechanics
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Linear wave equations in mechanics
18.1. Returning to the equations of linear acoustics and oflinear elasticity
Returning to the wave equations of linear acoustics
Returning to the Navier equation of linear elasticity
Particular cases
a) The vibrating cord
b) The vibrating membrane
Flexion of an elastic string
18.2. Solution of the one-dimensional wave equation
18.3 .Normal modes
Cord fixed at endpoints
Sound pipe
Membrane fixed at its boundary
18.4. Solution of the wave equation
General vibrations of a cord fixed at its endpoints
General vibrations of a membrane fixed on its boundary
The three-dimensional case
18.5. Superposition of waves, beats, and packets of waves
CHAPTER NINETEEN The soliton equation: the Korteweg–de Vries equation
19.1. Water-wave equations
Small amplitude waves in shallow water: nondimensional form of the equations
19.2. Simplified form of the water-wave equations
Asymptotic expansions
Simplified equations (based on asymptotic expansions)
19.3. The Korteweg–de Vries equation
19.4. The soliton solutions of the KdV equation
CHAPTER TWENTY The nonlinear Schrödinger equation
20.1. Maxwell equations for polarized media
20.2. Equations of the electric field: the linear case
Linearized equation
20.3. General case
20.4. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation
20.5. Soliton solutions of the NLS equation
APPENDIX The partial differential equations ofmechanics
Hints for the exercises
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Roger Temam,Alain Miranville,Mathematical,Continuum,Mechanics