Feminisms in Social Work Research Promise and possibilities for justice based knowledge 1st Edition by Stéphanie Wahab, Ben Anderson Nathe, Christina Gringeri – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781134589845 ,1134589840
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1134589840
ISBN 13: 9781134589845
Author: Stéphanie Wahab, Ben Anderson Nathe, Christina Gringeri
Feminisms in Social Work Research Promise and possibilities for justice based knowledge 1st Edition Table of contents:
1 Introduction
SECTION 1 Feminist Claims in Social Work Research
2 Doing Critical Feminist Research: A Collaboration
3 A Letter to Activists Entering Academia
4 Doing Profeminist Research with Men in Social Work: Reflections on Epistemology, Methodolology, and Politics
SECTION 2 Theory in Research
5 Operationalizing Intersectionality in Feminist Social Work Research: Reflections and Techniques from Research with Equity-Seeking Groups
6 Intersectional Feminism and Social Work Responses to Homelessness
7 Borderlands as a Critical Feminist Perspective in Social Work Research
8 Myths and Monsters: Challenging Assumptions of Poor Working-Class Motherhood through Feminist Research
SECTION 3 Treatment of Binaries in Research
9 Feminist Research in the Absence of Gender: Exploring Intersubjectivity in Practice, Purpose, and Representation
10 Precarious Positioning: Tensions in Doing Siiqqee Feminist Social Work Research
11 Troubling the Binary: A Critical Look at the Dualistic Construction of Quantitative/Qualitative Methods in Feminist Social Work Research
SECTION 4 Engagement with Methodology
12 Collage as Reflexivity: Illustrations and Reflections of a Photovoice Study with Sex Workers
13 Building Solidarity through Collective Consciousness in Feminist Participatory Action Research
14 Positionality and Privilege in Qualitative Research: Feminist Critical Praxis
15 Critical Feminist Social Work and the Queer Query
16 Considering Emotion and Emotional Labor in Feminist Social Work Research
17 Conclusion
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Stéphanie Wahab,Ben Anderson Nathe,Christina Gringeri,Feminisms,Social Work Research