Elementary Probability 2nd Edition by David Stirzaker – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: , 978-
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ISBN 10: 0521534283
ISBN 13: 978-0521534284
Author: David Stirzaker
Elementary Probability 2nd Table of contents:
0. Introduction
0.1 Chance
0.2 Models
0.3 Symmetry
0.4 The Long Run
0.5 Pay-Offs
0.6 Introspection
0.7 FAQs
0.8 History
Appendix: Review of Elementary Mathematical Prerequisites
1. Probability
1.1 Notation and Experiments
1.2 Events
1.3 The Addition Rules for Probability
1.4 Properties of Probability
1.5 Sequences of Events
1.6 Remarks
1.7 Review and Checklist for Chapter 1
Worked examples and exercises
1.8 Example: Dice
1.9 Example: Urn
1.10 Example: Cups and Saucers
1.11 Example: Sixes
1.12 Example: Family Planning
1.13 Example: Craps
1.14 Example: Murphy’s Law
2. Conditional Probability and Independence
2.1 Conditional Probability
2.2 Independence
2.3 Recurrence and Difference Equations
2.4 Remarks
2.5 Review and Checklist for Chapter 2
Worked examples and exercises
2.6 Example: Sudden Death
2.7 Example: Polya’s Urn
2.8 Example: Complacency
2.9 Example: Dogfight
2.10 Example: Smears
2.11 Example: Gambler’s Ruin
2.12 Example: Accidents and Insurance
2.13 Example: Protocols
2.14 Example: Eddington’s Controversy
3. Counting
3.1 First Principles
3.2 Permutations: Ordered Selection
3.3 Combinations: Unordered Selection
3.4 Inclusion–Exclusion
3.5 Recurrence Relations
3.6 Generating Functions
3.7 Techniques
3.8 Review and Checklist for Chapter 3
Worked examples and exercises
3.9 Example: Railway Trains
3.10 Example: Genoese Lottery
3.11 Example: Ringing Birds
3.12 Example: Lottery
3.13 Example: The Ménages Problem
3.14 Example: Identity
3.15 Example: Runs
3.16 Example: Fish
3.17 Example: Colouring
3.18 Example: Matching (Rencontres)
4. Random Variables: Distribution and Expectation
4.1 Random Variables
4.2 Distributions
4.3 Expectation
4.4 Conditional Distributions
4.5 Sequences of Distributions
4.6 Inequalities
4.7 Review and Checklist for Chapter 4
Worked examples and exercises
4.8 Example: Royal Oak Lottery
4.9 Example: Misprints
4.10 Example: Dog Bites: Poisson Distribution
4.11 Example: Guesswork
4.12 Example: Gamblers Ruined Again
4.13 Example: Postmen
4.14 Example: Acme Gadgets
4.15 Example: Roulette and the Martingale
4.16 Example: Searching
4.17 Example: Duelling
4.18 Binomial Distribution: The Long Run
4.19 Example: Uncertainty and Entropy
5. Random Vectors: Independence and Dependence
5.1 Joint Distributions
5.2 Independence
5.3 Expectation
5.4 Sums and Products of Random Variables: Inequalities
5.5 Dependence: Conditional Expectation
5.6 Simple Random Walk
5.7 Martingales
5.8 The Law of Averages
5.9 Convergence
5.10 Review and Checklist for Chapter 5
Worked examples and exercises
5.11 Example: Golf
5.12 Example: Joint Lives
5.13 Example: Tournament
5.14 Example: Congregations
5.15 Example: Propagation
5.16 Example: Information and Entropy
5.17 Example: Cooperation
5.18 Example: Strange But True
5.19 Example: Capture–Recapture
5.20 Example: Visits of a Random Walk
5.21 Example: Ordering
5.22 Example: More Martingales
5.23 Example: Simple Random Walk Martingales
5.24 Example: You Can’t Beat the Odds
5.25 Example: Matching Martingales
5.26 Example: Three-Handed Gambler’s Ruin
6. Generating Functions and Their Applications
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Moments and the Probability Generating Function
6.3 Sums of Independent Random Variables
6.4 Moment Generating Functions
6.5 Joint Generating Functions
6.6 Sequences
6.7 Regeneration
6.8 Random Walks
6.9 Review and Checklist for Chapter 6
Appendix: Calculus
Worked examples and exercises
6.10 Example: Gambler’s Ruin and First Passages
6.11 Example: “Fair” Pairs of Dice
6.12 Example: Branching Process
6.13 Example: Geometric Branching
6.14 Example: Waring’s Theorem: Occupancy Problems
6.15 Example: Bernoulli Patterns and Runs
6.16 Example: Waiting for Unusual Light Bulbs
6.17 Example: Martingales for Branching
6.18 Example: Wald’s Identity
6.19 Example: Total Population in Branching
7. Continuous Random Variables
7.1 Density and Distribution
7.2 Functions of Random Variables
7.3 Simulation of Random Variables
7.4 Expectation
7.5 Moment Generating Functions
7.6 Conditional Distributions
7.7 Ageing and Survival
7.8 Stochastic Ordering
7.9 Random Points
7.10 Review and Checklist for Chapter 7
Worked examples and exercises
7.11 Example: Using a Uniform Random Variable
7.12 Example: Normal Distribution
7.13 Example: Bertrand’s Paradox
7.14 Example: Stock Control
7.15 Example: Obtaining Your Visa
7.16 Example: Pirates
7.17 Example: Failure Rates
7.18 Example: Triangles
7.19 Example: Stirling’s Formula
8. Jointly Continuous Random Variables
8.1 Joint Density and Distribution
8.2 Change of Variables
8.3 Independence
8.4 Sums, Products, and Quotients
8.5 Expectation
8.6 Conditional Density and Expectation
8.7 Transformations: Order Statistics
8.8 The Poisson Process: Martingales
8.9 Two Limit Theorems
8.10 Review and Checklist for Chapter 8
Worked examples and exercises
8.11 Example: Bivariate Normal Density
8.12 Example: Partitions
8.13 Example: Buffon’s Needle
8.14 Example: Targets
8.15 Example: Gamma Densities
8.16 Example: Simulation – The Rejection Method
8.17 Example: The Inspection Paradox
8.18 Example: von Neumann’s Exponential Variable
8.19 Example: Maximum from Minima
8.20 Example: Binormal and Trinormal
8.21 Example: Central Limit Theorem
8.22 Example: Poisson Martingales
8.23 Example: Uniform on the Unit Cube
8.24 Example: Characteristic Functions
9. Markov Chains
9.1 The Markov Property
9.2 Transition Probabilities
9.3 First Passage Times
9.4 Stationary Distributions
9.5 The Long Run
9.6 Markov
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David Stirzaker,Elementary,Probability 2nd