Earth Magnetism A Guided Tour Through Magnetic Fields 1st Edition by Wallace Hall Campbell – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780080504902 ,0080504906
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0080504906
ISBN 13: 9780080504902
Author: Wallace Hall Campbell
An introductory guide to global magnetic field properties, Earth Magnetism addresses, in non-technical prose, many of the frequently asked questions about Earth’s magnetic field. Magnetism surrounds and penetrates our Earth in ways basic science courses can rarely address. It affects navigation, communication, and even the growth of crystals. As we observe and experience an 11-year solar maximum, we may witness spectacular satellite-destroying solar storms as they interact with our magnetic field. Written by an acknowledged expert in the field, this book will enrich courses in earth science, atmospheric science, geology, meteorology, geomagnetism, and geophysics. Contains nearly 200 original illustrations and eight pages of full-color plates.
* Largely mathematics-free and with a wide breadth of material suitable for general readers* Integrates material from geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, and solar-terrestrial space physics.* Features nearly 200 original illustrations and 4 pages of colour plates
Earth Magnetism A Guided Tour Through Magnetic Fields 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Nature’s Magnetism
1.1 Finding the Fields
1.2 Historical Tour Markers
1.3 Local Language Dictionary
1.4 Our Tour of the Fields
Chapter 2. Vistas of Lives in the Fields
2.1 Fields Making a Difference
2.2 Tour to the Boundaries
Chapter 3. Sailing the Magnetic Seas in Calm Winds
3.1 Inside Sources
3.2 Pole Markers
3.3 A Space of Quiet Fields
3.4 Conducting Blanket
3.5 Quietly Flowing Currents
Chapter 4. Umbrella for Magnetic Storms
4.1 Disturbances in Sight
Chapter 5. Harvesting the Fields
5.1 Field Traces
5.2 Scientists at Work
5.3 Track and Field Records
5.4 Space Weather Disturbance Scales
5.5 Information Kiosk
5.6 Directions for Further Travel
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