Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine 5th Edition by John R August Bvetmed – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0721604234, 9780721604237
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0721604234
ISBN 13: 9780721604237
Author: John R August Bvetmed
Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine 5th Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Feline Internal Medicine: An Overview
- Introduction to Feline Internal Medicine
- The Role of the Veterinarian in Feline Health
- Common Internal Medicine Diseases in Cats
- Advances in Feline Medicine: What’s New?
Chapter 2: Diagnostic Approach in Feline Internal Medicine
- The Feline Physical Examination
- Diagnostic Imaging: Radiology and Ultrasound in Cats
- Laboratory Testing: Bloodwork, Urinalysis, and Cytology
- Emerging Diagnostic Techniques
- Interpreting Laboratory Data in Feline Patients
Chapter 3: Gastrointestinal Disorders in Cats
- Feline Gastrointestinal Anatomy and Physiology
- Common Gastrointestinal Diseases in Cats
- Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Weight Loss
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
- Gastrointestinal Neoplasia
- Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies for GI Disorders
- Nutritional Support for Gastrointestinal Diseases
Chapter 4: Endocrine Diseases in Cats
- Hyperthyroidism in Cats: Diagnosis and Treatment
- Diabetes Mellitus in Cats: Diagnosis, Insulin Therapy, and Management
- Hypothyroidism in Cats: Clinical Presentation and Treatment
- Adrenal Disorders: Hyperaldosteronism and Adrenal Neoplasia
Chapter 5: Renal Diseases in Cats
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Cats: Pathophysiology and Diagnosis
- Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in Cats
- Hypertension and Renal Disease
- Renal Replacement Therapy in Feline Medicine
- Nutritional Management of Renal Disease
Chapter 6: Cardiovascular Disease in Cats
- Feline Heart Anatomy and Physiology
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) in Cats
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Cats
- Congenital Heart Disease in Cats
- Diagnostic Approaches: ECG, Echocardiography, and Blood Pressure Measurement
- Treatment Options for Feline Cardiovascular Diseases
Chapter 7: Respiratory Diseases in Cats
- Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Cats
- Feline Asthma and Bronchitis
- Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and its Respiratory Manifestations
- Pulmonary Edema and Pleural Effusion in Cats
- Diagnostics: Thoracic Imaging, Cytology, and PCR Testing
- Management of Respiratory Disease in Felines
Chapter 8: Infectious Diseases in Cats
- Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
- Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
- Bacterial, Fungal, and Parasitic Infections in Cats
- Viral Hepatitis and Other Infectious Causes of Liver Disease
- Treatment of Infectious Diseases in Cats
- Preventative Measures: Vaccination and Antiviral Therapy
Chapter 9: Hematology and Oncology in Cats
- Anemia in Cats: Types, Causes, and Treatments
- Lymphoma in Cats: Diagnosis and Management
- Feline Leukemia and Lymphoproliferative Disorders
- Thrombocytopenia and Coagulation Disorders in Cats
- Cancer Treatment Modalities: Chemotherapy and Palliative Care
- Stem Cell Therapy and Emerging Cancer Treatments
Chapter 10: Neurological Diseases in Cats
- Neurological Examination in Cats
- Common Neurological Disorders: Seizures, Vestibular Disease, and Spinal Cord Disease
- Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome
- Diagnosis: MRI, CT, and CSF Analysis
- Medical and Surgical Approaches to Neurological Diseases
Chapter 11: Dermatology in Feline Internal Medicine
- Dermatologic Manifestations of Internal Disease in Cats
- Feline Allergic Dermatitis and Eosinophilic Granulomas
- Fungal and Parasitic Infections of the Skin
- Skin Cancer in Cats
- Dermatological Diagnostics and Treatment Approaches
Chapter 12: Pain Management and Palliative Care in Cats
- Understanding Pain in Cats
- Pain Assessment Techniques in Felines
- Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Pain Management Strategies
- Palliative Care for Chronic and Terminal Illnesses
- End-of-Life Care: Ethics and Decision Making
Chapter 13: Geriatrics in Feline Medicine
- Aging and the Internal Medicine of Older Cats
- Common Diseases of Senior Cats: Osteoarthritis, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Organ Failure
- Preventative Health Care for Elderly Cats
- Management of Multiple Comorbidities
- Hospice and End-of-Life Considerations
Chapter 14: Case Studies in Feline Internal Medicine
- A Compilation of Real-Life Clinical Cases
- Diagnostic Workups and Treatment Plans
- Discussion of Challenging Cases in Feline Medicine
- Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Chapter 15: Future Directions in Feline Internal Medicine
- Emerging Trends in Feline Disease Research
- Advances in Treatment Modalities
- Personalized Medicine in Cats: Genetic and Molecular Approaches
- The Role of Telemedicine and Virtual Care in Feline Health
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