Collecting Managing and Assessing Data Using Sample Surveys 1st Edition by Peter Stopher – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781139209434 ,1139209434
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ISBN 10: 1139209434
ISBN 13: 9781139209434
Author: Peter Stopher
Collecting Managing and Assessing Data Using Sample Surveys 1st Edition Table of contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this book
1.2 Scope of the book
1.3 Survey statistics
2 Basic statistics and probability
2.1 Some definitions in statistics
2.1.1 Censuses and surveys
2.2 Describing data
2.2.1 Types of scales
Nominal scales
Ordinal scales
Interval scales
Ratio scales
Measurement scales
2.2.2 Data presentation: graphics
2.2.3 Data presentation: non-graphical
Measures of magnitude
Frequencies and proportions
Central measures of data
Measures of dispersion
The normal distribution
Some useful properties of variances and standard deviations
Proportions or probabilities
Data transformations
Covariance and correlation
Coefficient of variation
Other measures of variability
Alternatives to Sturges’ rule
3 Basic issues in surveys
3.1 Need for survey methods
3.1.1 A definition of sampling methodology
3.2 Surveys and censuses
3.2.1 Costs
3.2.2 Time
3.3 Representativeness
3.3.1 Randomness
3.3.2 Probability sampling
Sources of random numbers
3.4 Errors and bias
3.4.1 Sample design and sampling error
3.4.2 Bias
3.4.3 Avoiding bias
3.5 Some important definitions
4 Ethics of surveys of human populations
4.1 Why ethics?
4.2 Codes of ethics or practice
4.3 Potential threats to confidentiality
4.3.1 Retaining detail and confidentiality
4.4 Informed consent
4.5 Conclusions
5 Designing a survey
5.1 Components of survey design
5.2 Defining the survey purpose
5.2.1 Components of survey purpose
Data needs
Comparability or innovation
Defining data needs
Data needs in human subject surveys
Survey timing
Geographic bounds for the survey
5.3 Trade-offs in survey design
6 Methods for conducting surveys of human populations
6.1 Overview
6.2 Face-to-face interviews
6.3 Postal surveys
6.4 Telephone surveys
6.5 Internet surveys
6.6 Compound survey methods
6.6.1 Pre-recruitment contact
6.6.2 Recruitment
Random digit dialling
6.6.3 Survey delivery
6.6.4 Data collection
6.6.5 An example
6.7 Mixed-mode surveys
6.7.1 Increasing response and reducing bias
6.8 Observational surveys
7 Focus groups
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Definition of a focus group
7.2.1 The size and number of focus groups
7.2.2 How a focus group functions
7.2.3 Analysing the focus group discussions
7.2.4 Some disadvantages of focus groups
7.3 Using focus groups to design a survey
7.4 Using focus groups to evaluate a survey
7.5 Summary
8 Design of survey instruments
8.1 Scope of this chapter
8.2 Question type
8.2.1 Classification and behaviour questions
Mitigating threatening questions
8.2.2 Memory or recall error
8.3 Question format
8.3.1 Open questions
8.3.2 Field-coded questions
8.3.3 Closed questions
8.4 Physical layout of the survey instrument
8.4.1 Introduction
8.4.2 Question ordering
Opening questions
Body of the survey
The end of the questionnaire
8.4.3 Some general issues on question layout
Overall format
Appearance of the survey
Front cover
Spatial layout
Choice of typeface
Use of colour and graphics
Question numbering
Page breaks
Repeated questions
Show cards
Time of the interview
End of the survey
Some final comments on questionnaire layout
9 Design of questions and question wording
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Issues in writing questions
9.2.1 Requiring an answer
9.2.2 Ready answers
9.2.3 Accurate recall and reporting
9.2.4 Revealing the data
9.2.5 Motivation to answer
9.2.6 Influences on response categories
9.2.7 Use of categories and other responses
Ordered and unordered categories
9.3 Principles for writing questions
9.3.1 Use simple language
9.3.2 Number of words
9.3.3 Avoid using vague words
9.3.4 Avoid using ‘Tick all that apply’ formats
9.3.5 Develop response categories that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive
9.3.6 Make sure that questions are technically correct
9.3.7 Do not ask respondents to say ‘Yes’ in order to say ‘No’
9.3.8 Avoid double-barrelled questions
9.4 Conclusion
10 Special issues for qualitative and preference surveys
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Designing qualitative questions
10.2.1 Scaling questions
10.3 Stated response questions
10.3.1 The hypothetical situation
10.3.2 Determining attribute levels
10.3.3 Number of choice alternatives or scenarios
10.3.4 Other issues of concern
Data inconsistency
Lexicographic responses
Random responses
10.4 Some concluding comments on stated response survey design
11 Design of data collection procedures
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Contacting respondents
11.2.1 Pre-notification contacts
11.2.2 Number and type of contacts
Nature of reminder contacts
Postal surveys
Postal surveys with telephone recruitment
Telephone interviews
Face-to-face interviews
Internet surveys
11.3 Who should respond to the survey?
11.3.1 Targeted person
11.3.2 Full household surveys
Proxy reporting
11.4 Defining a complete response
11.4.1 Completeness of the data items
11.4.2 Completeness of aggregate sampling units
11.5 Sample replacement
11.5.1 When to replace a sample unit
11.5.2 How to replace a sample
11.6 Incentives
11.6.1 Recommendations on incentives
11.7 Respondent burden
11.7.1 Past experience
11.7.2 Appropriate moment
11.7.3 Perceived relevance
11.7.4 Difficulty
Physical difficulty
Intellectual difficulty
Emotional difficulty
Reducing difficulty
11.7.5 External factors
Attitudes and opinions of others
The ‘feel good’ effect
Appropriateness of the medium
11.7.6 Mitigating respondent burden
11.8 Concluding comments
12 Pilot surveys and pretests
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Definitions
12.3 Selecting respondents for pretests and pilot surveys
12.3.1 Selecting respondents
12.3.2 Sample size
Pilot surveys
12.4 Costs and time requirements of pretests and pilot surveys
12.5 Concluding comments
13 Sample design and sampling
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Sampling frames
13.3 Random sampling procedures
13.3.1 Initial considerations
13.3.2 The normal law of error
13.4 Random sampling methods
13.4.1 Simple random sampling
Drawing the sample
Estimating population statistics and sampling errors
Sampling from a finite population
Sampling error of ratios and proportions
Defining the sample size
13.4.2 Stratified sampling
Types of stratified samples
Study domains and strata
Weighted means and variances
Stratified sampling with a uniform sampling fraction
Drawing the sample
Estimating population statistics and sampling errors
Pre- and post-stratification
Equal allocation
Summary of proportionate sampling
Stratified sampling with variable sampling fraction
Drawing the sample
Estimating population statistics and sampling errors
Non-coincident study domains and strata
Optimum allocation and economic design
Survey costs differing by stratum
Practical issues in drawing disproportionate samples
Concluding comments on disproportionate sampling
13.4.3 Multistage sampling
Drawing a multistage sample
Requirements for multistage sampling
Estimating population values and sampling statistics
Concluding comments on multistage sampling
13.5 Quasi-random sampling methods
13.5.1 Cluster sampling
Equal clusters: population values and standard errors
The effects of clustering
Unequal clusters: population values and standard errors
Random selection of unequal clusters
Stratified sampling of unequal clusters
Paired selection of unequal-sized clusters
13.5.2 Systematic sampling
Population values and standard errors in a systematic sample
Simple random model
Stratified random model
Paired selection model
Successive difference model
13.5.3 Choice-based sampling
13.6 Non-random sampling methods
13.6.1 Quota sampling
13.6.2 Intentional, judgemental, or expert samples
13.6.3 Haphazard samples
13.6.4 Convenience samples
13.7 Summary
14 Repetitive surveys
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Non-overlapping samples
14.3 Incomplete overlap
14.4 Subsampling on the second and subsequent occasions
14.5 Complete overlap: a panel
14.6 Practical issues in designing and conducting panel surveys
14.6.1 Attrition
Replacement of panel members lost by attrition
Reducing losses due to attrition
14.6.2 Contamination
14.6.3 Conditioning
14.7 Advantages and disadvantages of panels
14.8 Methods for administering practical panel surveys
14.9 Continuous surveys
15 Survey economics
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Cost elements in survey design
15.3 Trade-offs in survey design
15.3.1 Postal surveys
15.3.2 Telephone recruitment with a postal survey with or without telephone retrieval
15.3.3 Face-to-face interview
15.3.4 More on potential trade-offs
15.4 Concluding comments
16 Survey implementation
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Interviewer selection and training
16.2.1 Interviewer selection
16.2.2 Interviewer training
16.2.3 Interviewer monitoring
16.3 Record keeping
16.4 Survey supervision
16.5 Survey publicity
16.5.1 Frequently asked questions, fact sheet, or brochure
16.6 Storage of survey forms
16.6.1 Identification numbers
16.7 Issues for surveys using posted materials
16.8 Issues for surveys using telephone contact
16.8.1 Caller ID
16.8.2 Answering machines
16.8.3 Repeated requests for callback
16.9 Data on incomplete responses
16.10 Checking survey responses
16.11 Times to avoid data collection
16.12 Summary comments on survey implementation
17 Web-based surveys
17.1 Introduction
17.2 The internet as an optional response mechanism
17.3 Some design issues for Web surveys
17.3.1 Differences between paper and internet surveys
17.3.2 Question and response
17.3.3 Ability to fill in the Web survey in multiple sittings
17.3.4 Progress tracking
17.3.5 Pre-filled responses
17.3.6 Confidentiality in Web-based surveys
17.3.7 Pictures, maps, etc. on Web surveys
Animation in survey pictures and maps
17.3.8 Browser software
User interface design
Creating mock-ups
Page loading time
17.4 Some design principles for Web surveys
17.5 Concluding comments
18 Coding and data entry
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Coding
18.2.1 Coding of missing values
18.2.2 Use of zeros and blanks in coding
18.2.3 Coding consistency
Binary variables
Numeric variables
18.2.4 Coding complex variables
18.2.5 Geocoding
Requesting address details for other places than home
Pre-coding of buildings
Interactive gazetteers
Other forms of geocoding assistance
Locating by mapping software
18.2.6 Methods for creating codes
18.3 Data entry
18.4 Data repair
19 Data expansion and weighting
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Data expansion
19.2.1 Simple random sampling
19.2.2 Stratified sampling
19.2.3 Multistage sampling
19.2.4 Cluster samples
19.2.5 Other sampling methods
19.3 Data weighting
19.3.1 Weighting with unknown population totals
An example
A second example
19.3.2 Weighting with known populations
An example
19.4 Summary
20 Nonresponse
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Unit nonresponse
20.2.1 Calculating response rates
Classifying responses to a survey
Calculating response rates
20.2.2 Reducing nonresponse and increasing response rates
Design issues affecting nonresponse
Survey publicity
Use of incentives
Use of reminders and repeat contacts
20.2.3 Nonresponse surveys
20.3 Item nonresponse
20.3.1 Data repair
Flagging repaired variables
Historical imputation
Average imputation
Ratio imputation
Regression imputation
Cold-deck imputation
Hot-deck imputation
Expectation maximisation
Multiple imputation
Imputation using neural networks
Summary of imputation methods
20.3.2 A final note on item nonresponse
Strategies to obtain age and income
21 Measuring data quality
21.1 Introduction
21.2 General measures of data quality
21.2.1 Missing value statistic
21.2.2 Data cleaning statistic
21.2.3 Coverage error
21.2.4 Sample bias
21.3 Specific measures of data quality
21.3.1 Non-mobility rates
21.3.2 Trip rates and activity rates
21.3.3 Proxy reporting
21.4 Validation surveys
21.4.1 Follow-up questions
21.4.2 Independent measurement
21.5 Adherence to quality measures and guidance
22 Future directions in survey procedures
22.1 Dangers of forecasting new directions
22.2 Some current issues
22.2.1 Reliance on telephones
Threats to the use of telephone surveys
Conclusions on reliance on telephones
22.2.2 Language and literacy
22.2.3 Mixed-mode surveys
22.2.4 Use of administrative data
22.2.5 Proxy reporting
22.3 Some possible future directions
22.3.1 A GPS survey as a potential substitute for a household travel survey
The effect of multiple observations of each respondent on sample size
23 Documenting and archiving
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Documentation or the creation of metadata
23.2.1 Descriptive metadata
23.2.2 Preservation metadata
23.2.3 Geospatial metadata
23.3 Archiving of data
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Peter Stopher,Collecting Managing,Assessing Data,Sample Surveys