Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America 1st edition by Matthew C. Gutmann – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0822330229, 978-0822330226
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0822330229
ISBN 13: 978-0822330226
Author: Matthew C. Gutmann
Ranging from fatherhood to machismo and from public health to housework, Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America is a collection of pioneering studies of what it means to be a man in Latin America. Matthew C. Gutmann brings together essays by well-known U.S. Latin Americanists and newly translated essays by noted Latin American scholars. Historically grounded and attuned to global political and economic changes, this collection investigates what, if anything, is distinctive about and common to masculinity across Latin America at the same time that it considers the relative benefits and drawbacks of studies focusing on men there. Demonstrating that attention to masculinities does not thwart feminism, the contributors illuminate the changing relationships between men and women and among men of different ethnic groups, sexual orientations, and classes.
The contributors look at Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, and the United States. They bring to bear a number of disciplines—anthropology, history, literature, public health, and sociology—and a variety of methodologies including ethnography, literary criticism, and statistical analysis. Whether analyzing rape legislation in Argentina, the unique space for candid discussions of masculinity created in an Alcoholics Anonymous group in Mexico, the role of shame in shaping Chicana and Chicano identities and gender relations, or homosexuality in Brazil, Changing Men and Masculinities highlights the complex distinctions between normative conceptions of masculinity in Latin America and the actual experiences and thoughts of particular men and women.
Contributors. Xavier Andrade, Daniel Balderston, Peter Beattie, Stanley Brandes, Héctor Carrillo, Miguel Díaz Barriga, Agustín Escobar, Francisco Ferrándiz, Claudia Fonseca, Norma Fuller, Matthew C. Gutmann, Donna Guy, Florencia Mallon, José Olavarría, Richard Parker, Mara Viveros
Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America 1st Table of contents:
Introduction: Discarding Manly Dichotomies in Latin America
- How to Study Men and Masculinities in Latin America
- Inversions, Conversions, and Perversions
- Is There a Typical Latin American Gender/Sexuality?
- The Politics of Masculinity
- Other Goals of the Volume
- Notes
- References
Contemporary Latin American Perspectives on Masculinity
- Masculinity Enters Gender Scholarship
- The Construction of Male Identity
- The Importance of Social Context
- Masculinities and Social Classes
- Masculinities and Ethnic-Racial Identities
- Fatherhood: Practices and Representations
- The Realms of Masculine Homosociality
- Men’s Reproductive Health and Sexuality
- Sexual Frontiers
- Final Reflections
- Notes
- References
Urban Men and Masculinities
Philanderers, Cuckolds, and Wily Women: Reexamining Gender Relations in a Brazilian Working-Class Neighborhood
- A Question of Honor?
- Men as Sexmongers
- Cuckolds and Their Wily Wives
- Women Use the Threat of Cuckoldry Against Other Women
- The Target of Social Stigma
- How Women Use the Threat of Cuckoldry Against Men
- Notes
- References
Men and Their Histories: Restructuring, Gender Inequality, and Life Transitions in Urban Mexico
- Male Agency, Social Contracts, and Sexual Contracts
- Gender and Employment Inequality
- Catastrophes and Constructions: Salient Aspects of Men’s Histories
- Migration and Urbanization
- Personal Advancement and the Marriage Contract
- Static and Evolving Marriage Contracts
- Intergenerational Assistance
- Perceptions of Competition with Women
- Final Remarks
- Notes
- References
Malandros, María Lionza, and Masculinity in a Venezuelan Shantytown
- Mug Shot
- A Picture in Motion
- Fuel Embodied
- Shaking Uncontrollably
- Notes
- References
The Social Constitution of Gender Identity Among Peruvian Males
- The Constitution of Masculinity
- The Masculine Body
- The Public Sphere: Work and Politics
- The Domestic Sphere: Matrimony and Fatherhood
- Fatherhood
- Contradictory Identities
- Notes
- References
Drink, Abstinence, and Male Identity in Mexico City
- References
Representations and Practices
Barbudos, Warriors, and Rotos: The MIR, Masculinity, and Power in the Chilean Agrarian Reform, 1965–74
- Seeking Che Among Working-Class Students: Temuco, 1967–71
- Barbudos and Peasants: The Coastal Region, 1970–73
- Peasants, Warriors, and Perpetual Sacrifice: Images of the Mapuche in the MCR
- “El MIR No Se Asila”: No Safe Haven for Heroic Revolutionaries
- Notes
Sexuality and Revolution: On the Footnotes to El Beso De La Mujer Araña
- Notes
- References
Measures of Manhood: Honor, Enlisted Army Service, and Slavery’s Decline in Brazil, 1850–90
- Slavery and Soldiering in Brazil from 1850 to 1888
- Impressment and the Status of Common Soldiers
- Rank, Distance, Deference, and Homophobia?
- Conclusions
- Notes
Vergüenza and Changing Chicano/a Narratives
- The Meanings of Vergüenza
- Vergüenza and the Displacement of Patriarchy
- Vergüenza and the Creation of an Imagined/Real Community
- Vergüenza and the New Mestiza
- Conclusions
- Notes
- References
Pancho Jaime and the Political Uses of Masculinity in Ecuador
- Comentarios
- Public Masculinity
- Audiences
- Public Secrecy
- Notes
- References
Sexuality and Paternity
- Changing Sexualities: Masculinity and Male Homosexuality in Brazil
- The Changing Social Organization of Male Homosexualities
- Emerging Cultures and Spaces of Desire
- Responding to AIDS
- Changes in Sexual Identities and Sexual Practices
- Conclusion
- References
Men at Home? Child Rearing and Housekeeping Among Chilean Working-Class Fathers
- Hegemonic Masculinity and Fatherhood
- The Sense of the Domestic
- Getting Involved in Reproductive Duties
- Raising and Spending Time with Children
- Experiences and Lessons During a Child’s Life Cycle
- Dilemmas: Married Life and Fatherhood
- Final Remarks
- Notes
- References
Neither Machos Nor Maricones: Masculinity and Emerging Male Homosexual Identities in Mexico
- Who is a Man? Who is a Homosexual?
- Nonsexual Homosociality
- La Vida En El Espejo
- Conclusion
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