Cell Physiology Sourcebook A Molecular Approach 3rd Edition by Nicholas Sperelakis – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0126569762, 9780126569766
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ISBN 10: 0126569762
ISBN 13: 9780126569766
Author: Nicholas Sperelakis
This completely revised and updated source book provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of cell physiology and membrane biophysics. Intended primarily as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students and as a reference for researchers, this multidisciplinary book includes several new chapters and is an invaluable aid to scientists interested in cell physiology, biophysics, cell biology, electrophysiology, and cell signaling.
* Includes broad coverage of both animal and plant cells
* Appendices review basics of the propagation of action potentials, electricity, and cable properties
Cell Physiology Sourcebook A Molecular Approach 3rd Table of contents:
Section I: Biophysical Chemistry, Metabolism, Second Messengers, and Ultrastructure
Chapter 1. Biophysical Chemistry of Physiological Solutions
I. Introduction
II. Structure and Properties of Water
llI. Interactions Between Water and Ions
IV. Protons in Solution
V. Interactions Between Ions
VI. Cell Cations
VII. Cell Anions
VIII. Trace Elements
IX. Solute Transport: Basic Definitions
X. Measurement of Electrolytes and Membrane Potential
XI. Ionophores
XII. Summary
Appendix: Thermodynamics of Membrane Transport
Chapter 2. Physiological Structure and Function of Proteins
I. Molecular Structure of Proteins
II. Techniques for the Determination of the Structures of Proteins
III. Bulk Properties of Proteins: Proteins as Polyelectrolytes
IV. Relationship of Protein Structure to Function
V. Summary
Chapter 3. Structural Organization and Properties of Membrane Lipids
I. Introduction
II. Classification and Structures of Membrane Lipids
III. Structural Organizations of Membrane Lipids
IV. The Thermodynamic and Conformational Properties of Bilayers
V. Binary Phospholipid Mixtures
VI. Summary
Chapter 4. Cell Membranes and Model Membranes
I. Membrane Structure
II. Planar Lipid Bilayers
III. Ion Channel Properties in Planar Lipid Bilayers
IV. Gramicidin
V. Summary
Chapter 5. Lipid Domains and Biological Membrane Function
I. Introduction
II. General Structure of Biological Membranes
III. The Plasma Membrane Lipid Bilayer: Transbilayer Lipid Distribution
IV. Lateral Lipid Microdomains in Membranes
V. Transbilayer Asymmetry in Fluidity
VI. Lateral Plasma Membrane Lipid Domain Fluidity
VII. The Plasma Membrane Lipid Bilayer: Protein Distribution
VIII. Intracellular Membranes
IX. Membrane Biogenesis
X. Summary
Chapter 6. Ultrastructure of Cells
I. Introduction: The Plasma Membrane as the Basis of Cellularity
II. Nucleus
III. Endoplasmic Reticulum
IV. Golgi Apparatus
V. Lysosomes
VI. Mitochondria
VII. Cytoskeleton
VIII. Cell functions
IX. Special Tissues, Specialized Ultrastructure
X. Summary
Chapter 7. Energy Production and Metabolism
I. Introduction
II. Protein Enzymes
III. Enzyme Kinetics
IV. Enzyme Inhibitors
V. Metabolic Pathways
VI. Generation of Energy: Mitchell Chemiosmotic Hypothesis
VII. Food and Energy
VIII. Basic Pathways That Need to be Regulated
IX. Energy Forms Revisited
X. Cori Cycle
XI. Summary
Chapter 8. Physiology of Mitochondria
I. Introduction
II. Chemiosmotic Theory
III. What Determines the Respiration Rate in Cells?
IV. What Determines the Rate of ATP Synthesis in Cells?
V. Ion Leaks in Mitochondria
VI. The Mitochondrial Proton Cycle— the Uncoupling Proteins
VII. The Anion Exchange Carriers
VIII. The Mitochondrial Calcium Cycle
IX. The Mitochondrial Potassium Cycle
X. The Physiological Role of MitoKATp in Heart
XI. MitoKATp as the End Effector of Protection Against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
XII. The Mitochondrial Permeability Transition (MPT)
XIII. Mitochondrial Involvement in Apoptosis
XIV. Summary
Chapter 9. Signal Transduction
I. Introduction
II. Second Messengers
III. Signaling by Receptor Phosphorylation
IV. Other Signaling Mechanisms
V. Summary
Chapter 10. Calcium as an Intracellular Second Messenger: Mediation by Calcium-Binding Proteins
I. Introduction
II. Determination of Ca2+ Involvement in Physiological Processes
III. Ca2+ as an Intracellular Signal
IV. Creation of the Ca2+ Signal
V. Mediation of Ca2+ Signal
VI. Ca2+-Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II
VII. Annexins: Calcium-Dependent Phospholipid-Binding Proteins
VIII. Protein Kinase C
IX. Current Perspectives
X. Summary
Chapter 11. Regulation of Cellular Functions by Extracellular Calcium
I. Introduction
II. Systemic Calcium Homeostasis
III. The Calcium Receptor
IV. Calcium Receptor-Dependent Regulation of Cellular Functions
V. Summary
Chapter 12. Cellular Responses to Hormones
I. Introduction
II. Actions of Lipophilic Hormones via Intracellular Receptors
III. Cellular Actions of Protein and Amine Hormones via Plasma Membrane Receptors
IV. Integration of Signal Transduction Pathways in Health and Disease
V. Summary
Section II: Membrane Potential, Transport Physiology, Pumps, and Exchangers
Chapter 13. Diffusion and Permeability
I. Introduction
II. Fick’s Law of Diffusion
III. Diffusion Coefficient
IV. Diffusion Across a Membrane with Partitioning
V. Electrodiffusion
VI. Ussing Flux Ratio Equation
VII. Summary
Appendix: Exponential Time Course of Diffusion
Chapter 14. Origin of Resting Membrane Potentials
I. Introduction
II. Passive Electrical Properties
III. Maintenance of Ion Distributions
IV. Equilibrium Potentials
V. Electrochemical Driving Forces and Membrane Ionic Currents
VI. Determination of Resting Potential and Net Diffusion Potential (Ediff)
VII. Electrogenic Sodium Pump Potentials
VIII. Summary
Chapter 15. Gibbs-Donnan Equilibrium Potentials
I. Introduction
II. Mechanism for Development of the Gibbs-Donnan Potential
III. Gibbs-Donnan Equilibrium
IV. Quantitation of the Gibbs-Donnan Potential
V. Osmotic Considerations
VI. Summary
Chapter 16. Mechanisms of Carrier-Mediated Transport: Facilitated Diffusion, Cotransport, and Counte
I. Introduction
II. Electrochemical Potential
III. Carrier-Mediated Transport Mechanisms
Chapter 17. Sodium Pump Function
I. Introduction
II. Na+-K+ Transport
III. Transport Mechanism
IV. NaK+-ATPase Structure
V. Cardiac Glycosides
VI. Summary
Chapter 18. Ca2 +-ATPases
I. Introduction
II. Sarcoplasmic Reticular (SR) Ca2 +-ATPase
III. Other ATPases
IV. Summary
Chapter 19. Na+-Ca2 + Exchange Currents
I. Introduction
II. Structure, Topology, and Distribution of the Na+-Ca2+ Exchanger
III. The Phylogerty of the Na+-Ca2+ Exchanger
IV. Isoforms of the Na+-Ca2+ Exchanger
V. Energetics of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange
VI. Methods and Problems Associated with the Measurement of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Current
VII. Isolation of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Current
VIII. Ionic Dependencies of Na+-Ca2 + Exchange Current
IX. Regulation of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Current
X. Cur rent-Vol tage Relationships and Voltage Dependence of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Current
XL Mechanism of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange
XII. Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Currents during the Cardiac Action Potential
XIII. Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Currents and Excitation-Contraction Coupling
XIV. Summary
Chapter 20. Intracellular Chloride Regulation
I. Introduction
II. Passive and Nonpassive Cl- Distribution across the Plasma Membrane
III. Active Transport Mechanisms for Cl
IV. Electroneutral Na+-K+-Cl- Cotransporters
V. Electroneutral K+-Cl- Cotransporters
VI. Electroneutral Na+-Cl- Cotransporter
VII. Cation-Chloride Cotransporters as Targets for Disease
VIII. Summary
Chapter 21. Osmosis and Regulation of Cell Volume
I. Introduction
II. Water Movement across Model Membranes
III. Mechanisms of Osmosis
IV. Water Movement across Cell Membranes
V. Regulation of Cell Volume under Isosmotic Conditions
VI. Regulation of Cell Volume under Anisosmotic Conditions
VII. Summary
Chapter 22. Intracellular pH Regulation
I. Introduction
II. pH and Buffering Power
III. Intracellular pH
IV. Organellar pH
V. Maintenance of a Steady-State pH
VI. Active Membrane Transport of Acids and Bases
VII. Cellular Functions Affected by Intracellular pH
VIII. Summary
Appendix: Techniques for pH Measurement
Chapter 23. Membrane Transport in Red Blood Cells
I. Introduction
II. Membrane and Cytoskeleton
III. Intracellular Environment
IV. Metabolism and Life Span
V. Membrane Transporters in Red Blood Cells
VI. Ionic and Osmotic Equilibrium and Cell Volume Regulation
VII. Anion Exchange and Conductance
VIII. Cytotoxic Calcium Cascade
IX. Summary
Section III: Membrane Excitability and Ion Channels
Chapter 24. Cable Properties and Propagation of Action Potentials
I. Introduction
II. Frequency-Modulated Signals
III. Cable Properties
IV. Conduction of Action Potentials
V. External Recording of Action Potentials
VI. Summary
Appendix 1: Propagation in Cardiac Muscle and Smooth Muscles
Appendix 2: Derivation of the Cable Equation and the AC Length Constant
Chapter 25. Electrogenesis of Membrane Excitability
I. Introduction
II. Action Potential Characteristics
III. Electrogenesis of Action Potential
IV. Effect of Resting Potential on Action Potential
V. Electrogenesis of Afterpotentials
VI. Summary
Chapter 26. Patch-Clamp Techniques and Analysis
I. Introduction
II. Patch-Clamp or Gigaseal Technique
III. Single-Channel Analysis
IV. Whole-Cell Currents
V. Summary
Chapter 27. Structure and Mechanism of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
I. Introduction: How Is Ion Channel Structure Studied?
II. Biochemistry of Ion Channels: Purification and Characterization of Voltage-Gated Channels
III. Channel Structure Investigation through Manipulation of DNA Sequences Encoding Channel Polypept
IV. Molecular Mechanisms of Channel Function: How Does One Investigate Them?
V. Isoforms of Voltage-Gated Channels as Part of a Large Superfamily
VI. Future Directions
VII. Summary
Chapter 28. Biology of Neurons
I. Introduction
II. Ultrastructure
III. Neuronal Cytoskeleton
IV. Axoplasmic Flow
V. Regulatory Mechanisms for Axonal Transport
VI. Summary
Chapter 29. Ion Channels in Nonexcitable Cells
I. Introduction
II. Types of Ion Channels in Nonexcitable Cells
III. Functional Role of Ion Channels in Nonexcitable Cells
IV. Summary
Chapter 30. Ion Channels in Sperm
I. Introduction
II. Sperm Responses to Egg Components
III. Sperm Ion Channels
IV. Summary
Chapter 31. Biology of Gap Junctions
I. Introduction
II. Advantages of Electrical Synapses in Excitable Cells
III. Ubiquitous Membrane Permeable functions
IV. Structural Candidates for the Permeable Cell Junction
V. Ultrastructural Characterization of Gap functions and Correlations with Cell Coupling
VI. Molecular and Structural Studies of Gap Junction Proteins
VII. Two Large Families of Gap Junction Proteins
VIII. Channels within Gap Junctions
IX. Evidence for Charge Selectivity
X. Channel Properties of Different Connexins
XI. Gating by Ions and Second Messengers
XII. Regulation of Functions of Connexin-Based Gap Junctions at Multiple Levels
XIII. Specific Biological Functions of Gap Junctions
XIV. Gap Junctions in Human Disease and in Murine Models of Human Disease
XV. Summary
Chapter 32. Biophysics of the Nuclear Envelope
I. Introduction
II. Permeability of the Nuclear Envelope
III. Structure of the Nuclear Envelope
IV. Structure of the Nuclear Pore
V. Electrophysiology of the Nucleus
VI. Osmotic Effects in the Nucleus
VII. Electrical and Diffusional Forces across the Nuclear Envelope
VIII. Modulation of Ionic Nuclear Permeability by ATP
IX. Cytoskeletal Interaction with the Nuclear Ionic Flux
X. Summary
Chapter 33. Regulation of Ion Channels by Phosphorylation
I. Introduction
II. Types of Ca+ Channels
III. Cyclic AMP Stimulation of L-type Ca2+ Channels
IV. Cyclic GMP Inhibition of the Ca2+ Current
V. Inhibition by Muscarinic Agonists
VI. Protein Kinase C and Calmodulin Protein Kinase
VII. Na+, K+, and If Channels
VIII. Summary
Chapter 34. Direct Regulation of Ion Channels by G Proteins
I. Introduction
II. The G Protein Cyclic Reaction Mediates Receptor-to-Channel Signal Transmission
III. Electrophysiological Evidence for KG Channel Activation Mediated by G Proteins
IV. Direct Coupling of KG Channel Subunits to Gβy
V. Modulation of KG Channel Activity by PIP2 and Na+ Ions
VI. Participation of RGS Proteins in K Channel Regulation
VII. G-Protein-lnhibition of Calcium Channels
VIII. G Protein âă Subunits Inhibit Neuronal Ca2+ Channels
IX. Direct Interaction of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels and Gβy
X. Conclusion
Chapter 35. Developmental Changes in Ion Channels
I. Introduction
II. Cardiomyocytes
III. Skeletal Muscle Fibers
IV. Neurons
V. Summary
Chapter 36. Regulation of Ion Channels by Membrane Proteins and Cytoskeleton
I. Introduction
II. Domain-Dependent Distribution of Ion Channels by Cytoskeleton-Associated and Cytoskeleton Protei
III. Role of Phosphorylation in Cytoskeletal Protein-Directed Clustering of Ion Channels
IV. Regulation of Ion Channel Function by Cytoskeletal Proteins
V. Mechanosensitive Gating of Ion Channels and Cytoskeleton
VI. Summary of Cytoskeleton Effects on Ion Channels
Section IV: Ion Channels as Targets for Toxins, Drugs, and Genetic Diseases
Chapter 37. Ion Channels as Targets for Toxins
I. Introduction
II. Voltage-Sensitive Sodium Channels
III. Voltage-Activated and Ca2+-Activated Potassium Channels
IV. Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channels
V. Other Toxins and Channels
VI. Summary
Chapter 38. Ion Channels as Targets for Drugs
I. Calcium Channels
II. Sodium (Na+) Channels
Chapter 39. Ion Channels as Targets for Disease
I. Introduction
II. Ion Channel Diseases
III. Cl- Channels
IV. Na+ Channels
V. Ca2+ Channels
VI. K+ Channels
VII. Neurotransmitter-Gated Channels
VIII. Summary
Section V: Synaptic Transmission and Sensory Transduction
Chapter 40. Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
I. Introduction
II. Classes of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
III. Basic Physiological Features
IV. Molecular Structure
V. Neuronal Acetylcholine Receptor Channels
VI. γ-Aminobutyric Acid and Glycine Receptor Channels
VII. Glutamate Receptor Channels
VIII. Summary
Chapter 41. Synaptic Transmission
I. Introduction
II. Structure and Function of Chemical Synapses: An Overview
III. Neurotransmission
IV. Summary
Chapter 42. Excitation-Secretion Coupling
I. Introduction
II. Cellular Components Involved in Excitation-Secretion Coupling
III. Cellular and Molecular Events in Chromaffin, Mast Cells, and Neuronal Synaptic Vesicles
IV. Hormone Release in Endocrine Cells
V. Summary
Chapter 43. Stimulus-Response Coupling in Metabolic Sensor Cells
I. Introduction
II. Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in the Pancreatic Islet Cells
III. Metabolic Sensing as Protection from Hypometabolic Injury
IV. Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in Carotid Chemoreceptor Cells
V. Stimulus-Contraction Coupling in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
VI. Coupling of Oxygen Sensing to Red Cell Production by Erythropoietin-Secreting Cells
Chapter 44. Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Eukaryotic Cells
I. Introduction
II. MS Channel Breakthroughs
III. Stimulation of MS Channel Activity
IV. Diversity of MS Channels
V. MS Channels in Patches: Stretch Versus Damage Plus Stretch
VI. The Role of the Membrane Skeleton
VII. Delay and Adaptation: Mechanically Fragile Aspects of MS Channel Behavior
VIII . Physiology of MS Channels
IX. Other Explorations of MS Channels
X. Models for Gating of MS Channels
XI. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 45. Sensory Receptors and Mechanotransduction
I. Introduction
II. Sensory Transduction
III. Sensory Adaptation
IV. Information Transmission by Sensory Receptors
V. Mechanoreceptors
VI. Experimental Mechanoreceptor Preparations
VII. Steps in Mechanoreception
VIII. Efferent Control of Mechanoreceptors
IX. Summary
Chapter 46. Acoustic Transduction
I. Introduction
II. Mammalian Inner Ear Structure
III. Cell Physiology of Endolymph Homeostasis
IV. Cell Physiology of Acoustic Transduction
V. Summary
Appendix: Self-Referencing Electrodes for the Measurement of Extracellular Potential and Chemical Gr
Chapter 47. Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channels
I. Introduction
II. Physiological Roles and Locations
III. Control by Cyclic Nucleotide Enzyme Cascades
IV. Functional Properties
V. Molecular Structure
VI. Functional Modulation
VII. Summary
Chapter 48. Visual Transduction
I. Introduction
II. Photoreceptor Cells
III. Physiology of Visual Transduction
IV. Molecular Mechanisms
V. Summary
Chapter 49. Gustatory and Olfactory Sensory Transduction
I. Introduction
II. Taste Receptor Cells
III. Olfactory Receptor Cells
IV. Summary
Appendix: Infrared Sensory Organs
Chapter 50. Electroreceptors and Magnetoreceptors
I. Introduction
II. Ampullary Electroreceptors
III. Tuberous Electroreceptors
IV. Gymnotid Tuberous Electroreceptors
V. Mormyroidea
Appendix: The Biophysics of Electroreception in Ampullary Organs of Elasmobranch Fishes
Section VI: Muscle and Other Contractile Systems
Chapter 51. Skeletal Muscle Action Potentials
I. Introduction
II. General Overview of Electrogenesis of the Action Potential
III. Ion Channel Activation and Inactivation
IV. Mechanisms of Repolarization
V. Voltage-Dependent Cl- Channels
VI. ATP-Dependent K+ Channels
VII. Slow Delayed Rectifier K+ Current
VIII. Electrogenesis of Depolarizing Afterpotentials
IX. Ca2+-Dependent Slow Action Potentials
X. Developmental Changes in Membrane Properties
XI. Electrogenic Na+-K+ Pump Stimulation
XII. Slow Fibers
XIII. Conduction of the Action Potential
XIV. Excitation Delivery to Fiber Interior
XV. Summary
Chapter 52. Cardiac Action Potentials
I. Introduction
II. Resting Membrane Potential
III. Currents During Phases of the Action Potential
IV. Additional Currents Contributing to the Action Potential
VI. Automaticity
VII. Summary
Chapter 53. Smooth Muscle Action Potentials and Electrical Profiles
I. Introduction
II. Determinants of Membrane Potential
III. Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
IV. Receptor Modulation of Membrane Potential
V. Heterogeneous Electrical Properties of Smooth Muscle Cells
VI. Summary
Chapter 54. Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Skeletal Muscle
I. Introduction
II. Overview of EC Coupling
III. Speed of Skeletal Muscle Activation
IV. Membrane Architecture of EC Coupling
V. Mechanisms of Interaction between DHPRs and RyRs
VI. Summary
Chapter 55. Ca2 + Release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Muscle
I. Introduction
II. Mechanisms of EC Coupling
III. Isolation of Membrane Fractions Enriched in RyR/Ca2+ Release Channels
IV. Isolation and Structure of RyRs
V. Molecular Cloning and Expression of RyRs
VI. RyRs Are High-Conductance Ligand-Gated Channels
VII. Identification of Functional Regions of Skeletal Muscle RyR
VIII. Summary
Chapter 56. Contraction of Muscles
I. Introduction
II. The Mechanisms of Force Production and Shortening: Muscle Mechanics
III. Muscle Energetics
IV. Muscle Metabolism
V. Comparative Muscle Physiology
VI. Summary
Chapter 57. Amoeboid Movement, Cilia, and Flagella
I. Introduction
II. Amoeboid Movement and Acting-Based Systems
III. Eukaryote Cilia and Flagella
IV. Other Microtubule Systems
V. Summary
Chapter 58. Centrin-Based Contraction and Bacterial Flagella
I. Spasmonemes and Centrin-Containing Structures
II. Prokaryote Locomotion
III. Gliding and Other Movements
IV. Summary
Chapter 59. Effects of High Pressure on Cellular Processes
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Effects of Pressure and Temperature
III. Cellular Effects
IV. Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Animals and Humans
V. Adaptation to High Pressure
VI. Summary
Chapter 60. Electrocytes of Electric Fish
I. Introduction
II. Anatomy of Electrophorus and Mechanism of the Electrical Discharge
III. Electrocyte Membrane Electrophysiology
IV. Comparative Physiology of Electrophorus and Torpedo—Models for Mammalian Excitable Cells
V. Summary
Section VII: Protozoa and Bacteria
Chapter 61. Physiological Adaptations of Protists
I. Introduction
II. Biophysical Constraints of Scale: The Example of Filter-Feeding
III. Nutrition and Excretion
IV. Energetic Adaptations: Fermentative Microbodies
V. Sensory Adaptations, Membrane Potentials, and Ion Channels
VI. Incorporation of Physiological Units from Other Cells
VII. Structures with Unknown Functions
VIII. Protistan Responses to Gravity and to Gradients of Oxygen and Light: An Example from Physiolog
IX. Summary: Protisten Diversity
Chapter 62. Physiology of Prokaryotic Cells
I. Introduction
II. Prokaryotic Cytology
III. Metabolic Strategies
IV. Energetics of Bacterial Cells
V. Solute Transport
VI. Stress Responses
VII. Prokaryotes Living in Extreme Environments
VIII. Summary
Section VIII: Plant Cells, Photosynthesis, and Bioluminescence
Chapter 63. Plant Cell Physiology
I. Introduction
II. Plant Cell Ultrastructure
III. Cell-to-Cell Communication
IV. Membrane Transport
V. Signal Perception and Response
VI. Summary
Chapter 64. Photosynthesis
I. Introduction
II. Chloroplasts
III. Biochemistry of Carbon Assimilation
IV. Formation of ATP
V. Photosynthetic Electron Transport
VI. Regulation of Photosynthesis
VII. Summary
Chapter 65. Bioluminescence
I. Introduction
II. Physical and Chemical Mechanisms
III. Luminous Organisms: Abundance, Diversity, and Distribution
IV. Functions of Bioluminescence
V. Bacterial Luminescence
VI. Dinoflagellate Luminescence
VII. Coelenterates and Ctenophores
VIII. Fireflies
IX. Other Organisms: Other Chemistries
X. Applications of Bioluminescence
XI. Summary
Section IX: Cell Division and Programmed Cell Death
Chapter 66. Regulation of Cell Division in Higher Eukaryotes
I. Introduction
II. General Overview
III. Participants in the Cell Cycle
IV. Transgenic Mice
V. Summary
Chapter 67. Cancer Cell Properties
I. Introduction
II. The Cell Cycle
III. Genome Stability
IV. Cell Adhesion and Motility
V. Apoptosis
VI. Summary
Chapter 68. Apoptosis
I. Introduction
II. Morphological Characterization of Cell Death
III. Regulation of Programmed Cell Death
IV. Roles of Physiological Cell Death
V. Frontiers in the Study of Apoptosis
VI. Summary
Chapter 69. Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Cells
I. Introduction
II. Types of Radiation
III. Interactions of Radiation with Matter
IV. Measuring Radiation
V. DNA Damage and Chromosome Breaks
VI. Cell Survival Curves
VII. Sensitivity and Phase of the Cell Cycle
VIII. Molecular Checkpoint Genes
IX. Repair of Radiation Damage
X. The Mechanism of Sublethal Damage Repair
XI. The Oxygen Effect
XII. Radiation Quality and Biological Effects
XIII. Radioprotectors
XIV. Summary
Chapter 70. Review of Electricity and Cable Properties
I. Introduction
II. Definition of Circuit Elements and Ohm’s Law
III. Resistors and Conductances in Series and In Parallel
IV. Kirchhoffs Laws
V. Nature of Capacitors
VI. Capacitors in Parallel and Series
VII. Capacitive Reactance
VIII. Membrane Impedance
X. Membrane Time Constant
XI. Specific Resistance and Specific Capacitance
XII. Biological Cable Decrement
XIII. Inductance, Inductive Reactance, and Oscillations
XIV. Electromagnetic Spectrum
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