Cases on Successful E learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World 1st Edition by Bolanle Olaniran – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781605669427,1605669423
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Product details:
ISBN 10:1605669423
ISBN 13: 9781605669427
Author:Bolanle Olaniran
E-learning has become a significant aspect of training and education in the worldwide information economy as an attempt to create and facilitate a competent global work force. Cases on Successful E-Learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy provides eclectic accounts of case studies in different contexts of e-learning. This advanced publication provides critical insights for practitioners and executives concerned with the management of knowledge, information, and organizational development in various types of work environments and learning communities.
Cases on Successful E learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World 1st Table of contents:
Virtual Structures andCollaborative Processes toEnhance Teaching and LearningAcross Dispersed Sites:
Development and Evaluationof a Generic Re-PurposableE-Learning Object onData Analysis
Getting Teachers to UseNew Technology by JustGiving Them Time:A Case Study from the UK
Dealing with AffectiveNeeds in E-Learning:Contrasting Two Cases, in Two Cultures
A Cyber-Apple for the Teacher:A Case Study of Anti-HegemonicAdult Education Practices in aCyber-Educ
Cultural Implications ofE-Learning Access (& Divides):Teaching an InterculturalCommunication Course
Application of VoiceXMLin e-Learning Systems
Technophobe to Technophile:Entering the Internet Culture
An e-Training SupportProgram for Regional andLocal Development
The e-LearningPuzzle in Turkey:Déjà Vu?
Users’ Satisfactionwith E-Learning:A Case Study of the University of Botswana
A Case Study Analysis of theUse of Online vs. ProctoredFinal Exams in Online Classes
Sharing Insights:Teachers’ Problems and Accomplishmentsin their Online Day-to-Day Teaching
The Effects of E-Learning onAfrican American Males:Three Case Studies
Case Study of theCUForum @ CUHK
Using Activity Theory toGuide E-Learning Initiatives
Addressing Online StudentLearning Environmentsand Socialization ThroughDevelopmental Research
Teaching Statistics andOperations Research Online:Experiences at the OpenUniversity of Catalonia
Teaching Statistics andOperations Research Online:Experiences at the OpenUniversity of Catalonia
Compilation of References
About the Contributors
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