Bonnard and the Nabis 1st Edition by Alberts Kostenevitch – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1859950159, 9781859950159
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1859950159
ISBN 13: 9781859950159
Author: Alberts Kostenevitch
Pierre Bonnard was the leader of a group of post-impressionist painters who called themselves the Nabis, from the Hebrew word meaning prophet. Bonnard, Vuillard, Roussel and Denis, the most distinguished of the Nabis, revolutionized the spirit of decorative techniques during one of the richest periods in the history of French painting. Influenced by Odilon Redon and Puvis de Chavanne, by popular imagery and Japanese etchings, this post-impressionist group was above all a close circle of friends who shared the same cultural background and interests. An increasing individualism in their art often threatened the groups unity and although tied together by a common philosophy their work clearly diverged. This publication lets us compare and put into perspective the artists within this fascinating group. The works presented in this collection offer a palette of extraordinary poetic expressions: candid in Bonnard, ornamental and mysterious in Vuillard, gently dream-like in Denis, grim and almost in Vallotton, the author shares with us the lives of these artists to the very source of their creative gifts.
Bonnard and the Nabis 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1: The Origins of the Nabis
- The formation of the group
- Key figures and artistic goals
- Nabis’ relationship to Post-Impressionism
Chapter 2: Pierre Bonnard: Early Life and Artistic Development
- Bonnard’s education and early influences
- The impact of Symbolism and Japanese art
- His entry into the Nabis
Chapter 3: Nabis and the Aesthetic Revolution
- The group’s use of color and composition
- Departure from traditional perspectives
- Nabis’ approach to decorative art
Chapter 4: Bonnard’s Iconography and Subjects
- The artist’s focus on domestic life, landscapes, and portraits
- Exploration of intimacy and daily life
- The significance of light and color
Chapter 5: The Nabis and Decorative Arts
- The Nabis’ contributions to printmaking, posters, and ceramics
- Their involvement in the design of interiors and murals
Chapter 6: Evolution of Bonnard’s Style
- Shift from the Nabis to post-Impressionism
- Influence of the Symbolist movement
- The role of photography in Bonnard’s work
Chapter 7: Legacy of the Nabis and Bonnard
- The lasting influence on modern art
- How the Nabis group shaped 20th-century visual culture
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