Biblical Interpretation An Intergrated Approach 3rd Edition by W Randolph Tate – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1598560808, 9781598560800
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1598560808
ISBN 13: 9781598560800
Author: W Randolph Tate
Biblical Interpretation An Intergrated Approach 3rd Table of contents:
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Revised Edition
Introduction: A Journey into Three Worlds
Author-Centered Approaches to Meaning
Text-Centered Approaches to Meaning
Reader-Centered Approaches to Meaning
An Integrated Approach to Meaning
Unit I: The World Behind the Text
Chapter 1: Why Study Backgrounds? An Apology for Historical Research
Review & Study
Chapter 2: The Importance of Language: The Grammatical Background
Review & Study
Chapter 3: Reading and the World Behind the Text: The Historical and Ideological Backgrounds
Historical and Cultural Background
Some Examples of Historical Background Studies
The Ideological Context
The Ideological World of the Old Testament
Examples of Comparative Study
The Ideological World of the New Testament
Review & Study
Supplement I: Illustrative Methods That Focus on the World Behind the Text
Source Criticism
Social-Scientific Criticism
Canonical Criticism
Unit II: The World Within the Text
Chapter 4: The Bible as Literature and Literary Forms
Common Literary Sub-Genres
Review & Study
Chapter 5: How the Hebrew Bible Communicates as Literature
Hebrew Narrative
Hebrew Poetry
Hebrew Prophecy
Review & Study
Chapter 6: How the New Testament Communicates as Literature
The Gospels and Acts
The Gospel of Matthew: A Model
Sub-Genres in the Gospels
Epistolary Literature
Sub-Genres in the New Testament Epistolary Literature
Apocalyptic Literature
Review & Study
Supplement II: Illustrative Methods That Focus on the World Within the Text
Redaction Criticism
Literary Criticism
Genre Criticism
Unit III: The World in Front of the Text
Chapter 7: What Happens When We Read?
The Dialectics of Discourse
Review & Study
Chapter 8: What the Reader Brings to the Text: The Role of Reader Presuppositions
The Role of Preunderstanding
Reader Presuppositions
Theological Presuppositions
Review & Study
Supplement III: Illustrative Methods That Focus on the World in Front of the Text
Reader-Response Criticism
Autobiographical Criticism
Feminist Criticism
Unit IV: Integrating the Three Worlds
Chapter 9: Mark’s Gospel and the Merging of Three Worlds
Mark’s Use of Literary Allusion
Mark’s Use of Intercalation
Jesus’ Relationship to His Contemporary Worldview according to Mark
Conclusion: The Ending of Mark and the Predicament of the Reader
Review & Study
Conclusion: The Never-Ending Story
Appendixes: Synopses of Additional Interpretive Methods Employed by Scholars
Overview: How Methods Affect Interpretation
Appendix I: Methods That Focus on the World Behind the Text
Form Criticism
Genetic Criticism
Tradition Criticism
Appendix II: Methods That Focus on the World Within the Text
Formal Criticism
Rhetorical Criticism
Speech Act Theory
Appendix III: Methods That Focus on the World in Front of the Text
African-American Criticism
Cultural Criticism
New Historicism
Postcolonial Criticism & Liberation Theology
Reception Theory
Womanist Criticism/Theology
Appendix IV: Methods Involving More than One World
Ideological Criticism
Intertextual Criticism
Marxist Criticism
Mimetic Criticism
Narrative Criticism
Socio-Rhetorical Criticism
Select Bibliography
Index of Modern Authors
Index of Subjects
Index of Scriptures and Other Ancient Sources
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W Randolph Tate,Biblical Interpretation