Arguing With Anthropology An Introduction to Critical Theories of the Gift 1st Edition by Karen Sykes – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0415254442 ,9780415254441
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0415254442
ISBN 13: 9780415254441
Author: Karen Sykes
Arguing with Anthropology is a fresh and wholly original guide to key elements in anthropology, which teaches the ability to think, write and argue critically. Using the classic ‘question of the gift’ as a master-issue for discussion, and drawing on a rich variety of Pacific and global ethnography, it provides a unique course in methods, aims, knowledge, and understanding. The book’s highly original hypothetical approach takes gift-theory – the science of obligation and reciprocity – as the paradigm for a virtual enquiry which explores how the anthropological discipline has evolved historically, how it is applied in practice and how it can be argued with critically. By asking students to participate in projected situations and dilemmas, and in arguments about the form and nature of enquiry, it offers working practice of dealing with the obstacles and choices involved in anthropological study.
* From an expert teacher whose methods are tried and tested
* Comprehensive and fun course ideal for intermediate-level students
* Clearly defines the functions of anthropology, and its key theories and arguments
* Effectively teaches core study skills for exam success and progressive learning.
Arguing With Anthropology An Introduction to Critical Theories of the Gift 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1: A Sceptical Introduction to Theories of Gift Exchange
Overview of Gift Exchange Theories
Critical Perspectives
Part I: Modernist Nostalgia
Chapter 2: The Awkward Legacy of the Noble Savage
Historical Context and Critique
Chapter 3: Gathering Thoughts in Fieldwork
Methodologies and Challenges
Chapter 4: Keeping Relationships, Meeting Obligations
Social Dynamics and Ethical Considerations
Chapter 5: Exchanging People, Giving Reasons
Anthropological Insights and Case Studies
Part II: Postmodern Reflections: Historical Criticism
Chapter 6: Debt in Postcolonial Society
Economic and Cultural Implications
Chapter 7: Mistaking How and When to Give
Misunderstandings and Misapplications
Part III: Postmodern Reflections: Critiques of Subjectivity
Chapter 8: Envisioning Bourgeois Subjects
Subjectivity and Social Constructs
Chapter 9: Giving Beyond Reason
Non-Rational Aspects of Gift Exchange
Part IV: A Present Without Nostalgia
Chapter 10: Virtually Real Exchange
Digital and Virtual Gift Practices
Chapter 11: Interests in Cultural Property
Ownership and Cultural Heritage
Chapter 12: Giving Anthropology Away
Open Access and Knowledge Sharing
Summary of Key Insights
Future Directions in Anthropological Studies
Glossary of Terms
Additional Resources
Sample Forms and Templates
Comprehensive Bibliography
Detailed Index of Topics and Terms
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