Applied Partial Differential Equations 1st Edition by John Ockendon, Sam Howison, Andrew Lacey, Alexander Movchan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0198527713 ,9780198527718
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0198527713
ISBN 13: 9780198527718
Author: John Ockendon, Sam Howison, Andrew Lacey, Alexander Movchan
Applied Partial Differential Equations 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
- Definition and Classification of Partial Differential Equations
- The Importance of PDEs in Science and Engineering
- Basic Solutions to PDEs: General and Particular Solutions
- The Role of Boundary and Initial Conditions
- Overview of Common PDEs in Applications
- Methods of Solving PDEs: Analytical vs. Numerical
Chapter 2: First-Order Partial Differential Equations
- The General Form of First-Order PDEs
- Linear and Nonlinear First-Order PDEs
- The Method of Characteristics
- Applications: Traffic Flow, Fluid Dynamics, and Conservation Laws
- Solution Techniques for First-Order PDEs
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 3: Second-Order Partial Differential Equations
- The General Form of Second-Order PDEs
- Classification: Elliptic, Parabolic, and Hyperbolic Equations
- Solution Techniques for Second-Order Equations
- Separation of Variables Method
- The Heat Equation, Wave Equation, and Laplace Equation
- Applications to Diffusion, Vibrations, and Electrostatics
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 4: Boundary and Initial Value Problems
- The Importance of Boundary and Initial Conditions in Applications
- Solving Boundary Value Problems (BVPs)
- Types of Boundary Conditions: Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin
- The Role of Eigenvalue Problems in BVPs
- Applications to Heat Flow, Fluid Mechanics, and Electromagnetics
- Time-Dependent Problems and Initial Conditions
- Examples and Techniques for Solving BVPs
Chapter 5: The Method of Separation of Variables
- Introduction to the Separation of Variables Method
- Solving Linear PDEs Using Separation of Variables
- Applications to the Heat Equation, Wave Equation, and Laplace’s Equation
- Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms in Solutions
- Vibrating Membranes and Quantum Mechanics
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 6: Fourier Series and Transforms
- Fourier Series: Definition and Applications
- Fourier Transforms for Solving PDEs
- The Heat Equation and Fourier Transforms
- The Role of Spectral Methods in Solving PDEs
- Applications in Signal Processing and Acoustics
- Solving Non-Constant Coefficient Problems Using Fourier Techniques
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 7: Green’s Functions and Integral Equations
- Introduction to Green’s Functions in Solving PDEs
- Green’s Functions for Elliptic, Parabolic, and Hyperbolic Equations
- The Method of Integral Equations for Solving PDEs
- Applications in Electromagnetics, Heat Transfer, and Structural Mechanics
- Numerical Methods for Calculating Green’s Functions
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 8: Numerical Methods for Solving PDEs
- Introduction to Numerical PDE Solving Techniques
- Finite Difference Method (FDM) for Time and Space Discretization
- The Finite Element Method (FEM) for Complex Geometries
- The Boundary Element Method (BEM) and Meshless Methods
- Stability, Convergence, and Accuracy of Numerical Solutions
- Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Structural Analysis
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 9: Applications of Elliptic Equations
- The Poisson Equation and Electrostatics
- Laplace’s Equation and Potential Theory
- Solutions in Bounded and Unbounded Domains
- Applications to Fluid Flow, Heat Conduction, and Gravity
- Numerical Techniques for Solving Elliptic Equations
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 10: Applications of Parabolic Equations
- The Heat Equation and Heat Transfer Problems
- Diffusion in Chemical and Biological Systems
- The Black-Scholes Equation in Finance
- Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions and Their Effects
- Numerical Methods for Parabolic Equations
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 11: Applications of Hyperbolic Equations
- The Wave Equation and Vibrational Analysis
- Acoustics and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
- Shock Waves and Nonlinear Hyperbolic PDEs
- Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
- The Method of Characteristics for Solving Hyperbolic PDEs
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 12: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
- The Nature of Nonlinear PDEs and Their Applications
- Characteristics of Nonlinear Waves and Solitons
- Shock Waves and Discontinuities in Nonlinear PDEs
- Methods for Solving Nonlinear PDEs: Perturbation and Numerical Techniques
- Applications in Fluid Mechanics, Optics, and Traffic Flow
- Example Problems and Their Solutions
Chapter 13: Advanced Topics in PDEs
- Multidimensional PDEs and Their Applications
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory in PDEs
- Stability Analysis and Bifurcation Theory
- PDEs in Material Science and Biophysics
- Control Theory and Optimal Design Problems
- Emerging Areas: PDEs in Climate Modeling and Astrophysics
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John Ockendon,Sam Howison,Andrew Lacey,Alexander Movchan,Partial Differential Equations