Alternative Journalism Alternative Voices 1st Edition by Tony Harcup – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781135130183 ,1135130183
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1135130183
ISBN 13: 9781135130183
Author: Tony Harcup
Alternative Journalism Alternative Voices 1st Edition Table of contents:
PART I Alternative media, alternative voices
1 Introduction From ‘native reporting’ to ‘native researching’
Journalism in alternative and mainstream media
From ‘Wilkes and liberty’ to the ‘Arab Spring’ and beyond
Alternative journalism
Oppositional Reporting
Journalism in the public interest
2 An Insurrection in Words1 East End voices in the 1970s
The Basement Writers: a dialogical education
Stepney Words: from classroom to community
Active citizens with a voice
PART II The alternative local press A critical overview
3 A Northern Star1 Leeds Other Paper and the alternative press 1974–1994
The commitments
Digging deeper
‘I fought the law …’
Part of the union
With a little help from its friends
Eight days a week
Desperately seeking readers
Money’s too tight to mention
One step beyond
4 The Alternative Local Press1
Who benefits and who loses?
Investigative journalism from the grassroots
A quirkiness of viewpoint
Part of a radical tradition
PART III Reporting from the ground up Alternative journalism in practice
5 ‘The Unspoken — Said’1 The journalism of alternative media
A plebeian public sphere
Papers produced ‘not by them but by you’
A different cast of voices
Reporting the riots
KDIS: ‘a journalistic space where we can state our ideas’
Contesting ideological space
6 It Wasn’t All about Arthur1 Alternative media and the miners’ strike
An ethos of self-organisation
‘It was their struggle rather than Scargill’s’
Rage against the ‘lie machine’
Back to the future?
7 Reporting The Voices of The Voiceless During The Miners’ Strike1 An early form of ‘citizen journalism’
Reporting from the other side of the line
Serving a ‘counter-public’
Journalism from below
A rich record of reporting
A commitment to reporting
Part IV Alternative media activists Motivations and reflections
8 ‘I’m Doing This to Change The World’1 Journalism in alternative and mainstream media
Asking the journalists
‘Fun … and being part of a cause’
The sample
How and why journalists became involved in alternative media
Individual journalistic practice
Relationship between alternative and mainstream media
Not entirely separate worlds
A continuum of practice?
Alternative media cited by respondents
Mainstream media cited by respondents
9 Citizens in The Newsroom1 Democracy, ethics and journalism
Democracy and social justice
‘Democratised media practices’
Mainstream journalists find their voice
Standing up to be counted
Journalists are citizens too
10 Alternative Journalism as Active Citizenship1
Active citizenship as a dynamic concept
Alternative media and ‘radical democracy’
The views of reflective practitioners
The sample
The findings
‘An alternative prism’
Participation and empowerment
PART V Alternative media today and tomorrow
11 Alternative Journalism Oppositional reporting in practice
Indymedia: ‘open access’ online
Manchester Mule: ‘openly biased but not ranty’
Mule’s ‘utmost scepticism’
Alternative journalism in practice
Oppositional reporting
Appendix 1 Statements published in The Other Paper, LOP and Northern Star
Editorial from the first issue of The Other Paper, number 1, published on 10 October 1969, price 9d:
Panel from the first issue of Leeds Other Paper, number 1, published in January 1974, price 4p:
Article from the tenth anniversary issue of Leeds Other Paper, number 310, published on 27 January 1984, price 20p:
Statement in the last issue of Northern Star, number 820, published on 20 January 1994, price 60p:
Appendix 2 ‘Views on the news’
Views on the news
Why have news?
What affects the writing of a news story?
The nature of LOP news
The approach to news
The mechanics of writing a story
Appendix 3 National conference of alternative papers
National conference of alternative papers, Leeds, spring 1984
Sexism workshop
Industrial reporting workshop
The arts workshop
News and information gathering workshop
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