Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Volume 76 1st Edition by Jeya Henry – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780124165724 ,0124165729
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ISBN 10: 0124165729
ISBN 13: 9780124165724
Author: Jeya Henry
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Volume 76 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter One: Role of Proteins in Insulin Secretion and Glycemic Control
1. Introduction
2. Blood Glucose Homeostasis and the Role of Insulin
3. Classification of Proteins and Protein Quality
4. Impact of Proteins and Amino Acids on Insulin Secretion
4.1. Effect of proteins on insulin secretion
4.2. Effect of amino acids on insulin secretion
4.3. Impact of proteins and amino acids on glucagon secretion
5. Impact of Proteins and Amino Acids on Glycemia
5.1. Effect of coingesting proteins and carbohydrates on blood glucose and insulin
5.2. Effect of amino acids on glycemia
6. Conclusions
Chapter Two: Physical Activity, Fitness and the Energy Cost of Activities: Implications for Obesity
1. Introduction
2. Overweight and Obesity in the Tropics
2.1. Overweight and obesity
2.2. Health consequences of overweight and obesity
2.3. Factors contributing to overweight and obesity
2.4. Global data on overweight and obesity in the tropics
2.5. Obesity studies conducted in the tropics
3. Physical Activity in the Tropics
3.1. Physical activity
3.2. Global data on PA in the tropics
3.3. PA studies conducted in the tropics
3.4. Discussion
4. Physical Fitness in the Tropics
4.1. Physical fitness
4.2. Relationship between PF and PA
4.3. PF studies conducted in the tropics
4.4. Discussion
5. Energy Cost of Physical Activities in Children and Adolescents in the Tropics
5.1. Energy cost of habitual activities
5.2. Methods of measuring energy cost
5.3. Compilation of energy cost of physical activities in the tropics
6. Implications of PA, PF, and Energy Cost on Obesity in the Tropics
6.1. PA and obesity
6.2. PF and obesity
6.3. Energy cost of PA and obesity
7. Conclusion
Chapter Three: Starch Hydrolase Inhibitors from Edible Plants
1. Introduction
2. α-Glucosidase Inhibitors from Botanical Sources
2.1. Glycomimetics
2.2. Polyphenols
2.2.1. Tannins
2.2.2. Flavonoids (Fig. 3.2)
2.2.3. Other polyphenolic compounds (Fig. 3.3)
2.3. Terpenoids (Fig. 3.4)
2.4. Chalcones (Fig. 3.5)
2.5. Polyacetylenes (Fig. 3.6)
2.6. Stilbenes (Fig. 3.7)
3. Amylase Inhibitors
4. Low GI Foods Containing Starch Hydrolase Inhibitors
4.1. Encapsulation technology for delivering starch hydrolase inhibitors
4.2. Low GI starchy foods containing starch hydrolase inhibitors
4.2.1. Sweet potato
4.2.2. Cinnamon
4.2.3. Fenugreek
4.2.4. Raspberry and blueberry
4.2.5. Buckwheat
4.2.6. Green tea
5. Conclusions and Future Outlook
Chapter Four: Food Microstructure and Starch Digestion
1. Introduction
2. Starch Digestion
3. Microstructure of Natural Foods and Starch Digestion
3.1. Case I: Microstructural characteristics of potato and starch digestion
3.1.1. Microstructural characteristics of potato
3.1.2. Starch digestion in vitro and microstructure of digesta
3.2. Case II: Microstructural characteristics of navy beans and starch digestion
3.2.1. Microstructural characteristics of navy beans
3.2.2. Starch digestion in vitro and microstructure of digesta
4. Rheology of Food Matrix and Starch Digestion
4.1. Rheology (flow behavior) of digesta
5. Formulated Foods and Starch Digestion
5.1. Influence of food matrix composition on starch digestion
5.2. Influence of food processing on starch digestion
6. Conclusions
Chapter Five: Food-Based Ingredients to Modulate Blood Glucose
1. Introduction
2. Maintaining Normal Blood Glucose Levels: The Role of Food
3. Blood Glucose and Chronic Diseases
4. Factors Affecting Glycemic Index of Food
5. Dietary Fiber and Blood Glucose
6. Cereal-Based Ingredients
6.1. Barley
6.2. Oats
6.3. Rye
7. Fruit-Based Ingredients
8. Spices
9. Legume-Based Ingredients
10. Effect of Protein and Fat on Blood Glucose
11. Sugars and Sugar Alcohols
12. Concluding Remarks
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Jeya Henry,Food,Nutrition Research