Advanced Teaching Methods for the Technology Classroom 1st Edition by Stephen Petrina – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1599043394, 9781599043395
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1599043394
ISBN 13: 9781599043395
Author: Stephen Petrina
Advanced Teaching Methods for the Technology Classroom 1st Table of contents:
Section I: Analyzing and Designing Technology-Based Instruction
Ch I: Communicating and Planning for Instruction
Ch II: Organizing Knowledge for Instruction
Ch III: Feelings, Values, Ethics and Skills
Ch IV: Instructional Methods and Learning Styles
Ch V: Creativity and Ingenuity, Design, and Problem-Solving
Section II: Analyzing and Designing Technology-Based Curriculum
Ch VI: Learning Theory, Technology and Practice
Ch VII: Justifying Technology Studies
Ch VIII: Technology Content, Process, and Standards
Ch IX: Curriculum and Instructional Design
Section III: Implementing and Evaluating Curriculum and Instruction
Ch X: Assessment and Evaluation
Ch XI: Classroom Management, Facilities Design and Safety
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Stephen Petrina,Teaching Methods,Technology Classroom