A Companion to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici 1st Edition by Liam Breatnach – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1855001845, 978-1855001848
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ISBN 10: 1855001845
ISBN 13: 978-1855001848
Author: Liam Breatnach
A Companion to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 General
1.2 Manuscripts
1.3 Notes for the reader
2. Contents of Corpus iuris Hibernici
Related references: D. A. Binchy, CIH (1978)
3. Varieties of text
3.1 General
3.2 Continuous copies
3.3 Miscellanies
3.4 Abridged copies
3.5 Judgements and pleadings
3.6 Glossaries
4. O’Davoren’s glossary
4.1 General
4.2 Sources of citations
4.3 Entries in manuscript F not previously reported
5. Old Irish texts
5.1 General
5.2 Aí Cana (?)
5.3 Aí Cermnai
5.4 Aí Emnach
5.5 Anfuigell
5.6 Ántéchtae (Breth)
5.7 Berrad Airechta
5.8 Bráthchae/Bráth Caí/Bretha Caí (Chaínbrethaig)
5.9 Bretha Bríge Ambue
5.10 Bretha Doet Nemthine
5.11 Bretha Echach Maic Luchta
5.12 Bretha Éitgid
5.13 Bretha Éogain Maic Durthacht
5.14 Bretha Forloisctheo
5.15 Bretha Nemed Dédenach
5.16 Bretha Nemed Toísech
5.17 Bretha treibdíri
5.18 Cáin
5.19 Cáin Adomnáin
5.20 Cáin Chormaic
5.21 Cáin Dar Í
5.22 Cáin Díarmata
5.23 Cáin Domnaig
5.24 Cáin Fhuithirbe
5.25 Cáin Ónae
5.26 Cáin Phátraic
5.27 Caire Breth Moraind
5.28 Cethramtha na nAthgabála, Cethramtha na Túarastal
5.29 Cléithe Breth
5.30 Cóic conara fugill
5.31 Cóir Féine
5.32 Córus fine
5.33 Córus íubaile
5.34 Críth gablach
5.35 Di Astud Chor
5.36 Dúil
5.37 Dúil Roscadach
5.38 Findshruth Fíthail
5.39 Fot Féinechais
5.40 Fothae bec
5.41 Fothae breth
5.42 Fothae Mór
5.43 Gúbretha Caratniad
5.44 Immard nAirechta
5.45 Mellbretha
5.46 Míadshlechtae
5.47 Midbae Breth
5.48 Osbretha
5.49 Ríagail Phátraic
5.50 Senchas Már
5.51 Tír Cumaile
5.52 Tulbretha Fachtnai
5.53 Uraicecht becc
5.54 Uraicecht Cóel
5.55 Uraicecht na ríar
6. Other texts
6.1 General
6.2 Digests A, B and C
6.3 Digest D
6.4 Conclusion; digests and pleadings
7. Glosses and commentary
7.1 General
7.2 The Old Irish glossing of Senchas Már
7.3 The Old Irish commentary on Bretha Comaithchesa
7.4 The Old Irish glossing of Cáin Fhuithirbe
7.5 Old Irish glosses on Uraicecht Cóel
7.6 ‘Stories from the law-tracts’
7.7 Relationship of glosses and commentary to main text
7.8 Later glosses and commentaries
8. Dating, authorship and stylistics
8.1 Date of composition
8.2 Place of composition
8.3 Conventional accounts of place, time, person and cause of composition
8.4 Mythical pre-Christian authors in Old Irish texts
8.5 Historical authors
8.6 Prose, verse and roscad
8.7 Dialogue texts
8.8 Tripartite texts; Latin citations
9. Conclusion
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