10 Minute Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 1st Edition by Joe Habraken – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:0789726378, 978-0789726377
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0789726378
ISBN 13: 978-0789726377
Author: Joe Habraken
Because most people don’t have the luxury of sitting down uninterrupted for hours at a time to learn PowerPoint, this 10-Minute Guide focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take 10 minutes or less to complete. In addition, this guide teaches you how to use PowerPoint without relying on technical jargon. Instead, it provides straightforward, easy-to-follow explanations and lists of numbered steps that tell you which keys to press and which options to select.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 The What and Why of Microsoft PowerPoint
1.2 Why Que’s 10 Minute Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 2002?
1.3 Installing PowerPoint
1.4 Conventions Used in This Book
1.5 What’s New in PowerPoint 2002?
1.6 Getting the Most Out of PowerPoint 2002
1.7 New Features in PowerPoint 2002
1.8 Introducing Task Panes
1.9 Introducing Voice Dictation and Voice Commands
2. Working in PowerPoint
2.1 Starting PowerPoint
2.2 Getting Comfortable with the PowerPoint Window
2.3 Exiting PowerPoint
3. Creating a New Presentation
3.1 Three Choices for Starting a New Presentation
3.2 Saving a Presentation
3.3 Closing a Presentation
3.4 Opening a Presentation
3.5 Finding a Presentation File
4. Working with Slides in Different Views
4.1 Understanding PowerPoint’s Different Views
4.2 Moving from Slide to Slide
4.3 Introduction to Inserting Slide Text
4.4 Editing Text in the Slide Pane
5. Changing a Presentation’s Look
5.1 Giving Your Slides a Professional Look
5.2 Applying a Different Design Template
5.3 Using Color Schemes
5.4 Changing the Background Fill
6. Inserting, Deleting, and Copying Slides
6.1 Inserting a New Slide
6.2 Inserting Slides from Another Presentation
6.3 Creating Slides from a Document Outline
6.4 Selecting Slides
6.5 Deleting Slides
6.6 Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Slides
7. Rearranging Slides in a Presentation
7.1 Rearranging Slides in Slide Sorter View
7.2 Rearranging Slides in the Outline Pane
7.3 Hiding Slides
8. Adding and Modifying Slide Text
8.1 Creating a Text Box
8.2 Changing Font Attributes
8.3 Copying Text Formats
8.4 Changing the Text Alignment and Line Spacing
8.5 Selecting, Deleting, and Moving a Text Box
8.6 Adding a WordArt Object
9. Creating Columns, Tables, and Lists
9.1 Working in Multiple Columns
9.2 Creating a Table
9.3 Making a Bulleted List
9.4 Working with Numbered Lists
10. Getting Help in Microsoft PowerPoint
10.1 Help: What’s Available?
10.2 Using the Ask a Question Box
10.3 Using the Office Assistant
10.4 Using the Help Window
10.5 Getting Help with Screen Elements
11. Adding Graphics to a Slide
11.1 Introducing the Insert Clip Art Task Pane
11.2 Inserting an Image from the Task Pane
11.3 Inserting an Image from an Image Box
11.4 Inserting a Clip from a File
11.5 Managing Images in the Clip Organizer
12. Adding Sounds and Movies to a Slide
12.1 Working with Sounds and Movies
12.2 Including Sounds in a Presentation
12.3 Placing a Movie onto a Slide
13. Working with PowerPoint Objects
13.1 Selecting Objects
13.2 Working with Layers of Objects
13.3 Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
13.4 Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Objects
13.5 Rotating an Object
13.6 Resizing Objects
13.7 Cropping a Picture
14. Adding Charts to PowerPoint Slides
14.1 Using Charts in Presentations
14.2 Inserting a Chart on an Existing Slide
14.3 Creating a New Slide Containing a Chart
14.4 Selecting the Chart Type
14.5 Modifying the Chart’s Attributes
15. Adding Organizational Charts to PowerPoint Slides
15.1 Working with Organizational Charts
15.2 Inserting an Organizational Chart on a Slide
15.3 Creating a New Slide Containing an Organizational Chart
15.4 Editing an Organizational Chart
15.5 Formatting Box Lines and Fill Colors
15.6 Changing the Organizational Chart Style
16. Presenting an Onscreen Slide Show
16.1 Viewing an Onscreen Slide Show
16.2 Setting Slide Animation Schemes
16.3 Setting Up a Self-Running Show
16.4 Using the Slide Show Menu Tools
16.5 Adding Action Buttons to User-Interactive Shows
16.6 Setting Slide Show Options
17. Printing Presentations, Notes, and Handouts
17.1 Using PowerPoint Notes and Handouts
17.2 Quick Printing with No Options
17.3 Changing the Page Setup
17.4 Choosing What and How to Print
18. Designing a Presentation for the Internet
18.1 PowerPoint and the World Wide Web
18.2 Special Considerations for Designing Web Shows
18.3 Adding URL Hyperlinks
18.4 Saving a Presentation in HTML Format
18.5 Viewing Your Web Presentation
19. Index
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Tags: Joe Habraken, 10 Minute, Microsoft PowerPoint, PowerPoint 2002 1st