Phase Noise and Frequency Stability in Oscillators 1st Edition by Enrico Rubiola – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0521886775, 9780521886772
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ISBN 10: 0521886775
ISBN 13: 9780521886772
Author: Enrico Rubiola
Presenting a comprehensive account of oscillator phase noise and frequency stability, this practical text is both mathematically rigorous and accessible. An in-depth treatment of the noise mechanism is given, describing the oscillator as a physical system, and showing that simple general laws govern the stability of a large variety of oscillators differing in technology and frequency range. Inevitably, special attention is given to amplifiers, resonators, delay lines, feedback, and flicker (1/f) noise. The reverse engineering of oscillators based on phase-noise spectra is also covered, and end-of-chapter exercises are given. Uniquely, numerous practical examples are presented, including case studies taken from laboratory prototypes and commercial oscillators, which allow the oscillator internal design to be understood by analyzing its phase-noise spectrum. Based on tutorials given by the author at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, international IEEE meetings, and in industry, this is a useful reference for academic researchers, industry practitioners, and graduate students in RF engineering and communications engineering.
Phase Noise and Frequency Stability in Oscillators 1st Table of contents:
1 Phase noise and frequency stability
1.1 Narrow-band signals
1.1.1 The clock signal
1.2 Physical quantities of interest
1.2.1 Frequency synthesis
1.3 Elements of statistics
1.3.1 Basic definitions
1.3.2 The measurement of random processes
1.3.3 Noise in RF and microwave circuits
1.4 The measurement of power spectra
1.4.1 Theoretical background
1.4.2 One-sided and two-sided spectra
1.4.3 Spectrum analyzers
1.5 Linear and time-invariant (LTI) systems
1.5.1 System function
1.5.2 Laplace transform
1.5.3 Slow-varying systems
1.6 Close-in noise spectrum
1.6.1 Phase noise
1.6.2 Power law
1.6.3 Frequency noise
1.6.4 Amplitude noise
1.7 Time-domain variances
1.7.1 Allan variance (AVAR)
1.7.2 Modified Allan variance (MVAR)
1.7.3 AVAR versus MVAR
1.8 Relationship between spectra and variances
1.9 Experimental techniques
1.9.1 Spectrum analyzer
1.9.2 Phase-locked loop
2 Phase noise in semiconductors and amplifiers
2.1 Fundamental noise phenomena
2.1.1 Thermal noise
2.1.2 Shot noise
2.1.3 Flicker noise
2.2 Noise temperature and noise figure
2.2.1 The general case of non-uniform temperature
2.2.2 The noise figure of cascaded amplifiers
2.2.3 Noise in amplifiers and photodetectors
2.3 Phase noise and amplitude noise
2.3.1 White noise
2.3.2 Flicker noise
2.3.3 Power spectral density and corner frequency
2.3.4 Environment-originated noise
2.4 Phase noise in cascaded amplifiers
2.4.1 White phase noise
2.4.2 Flicker phase noise
2.4.3 Environment-originated phase noise
2.5 Low-flicker amplifiers
2.5.1 Transposed-gain amplifiers
2.5.2 Feedforward amplifiers
2.5.3 Feedback noise-degeneration amplifiers
2.5.4 Parallel amplifiers
2.5.5 The effect of semiconductor size
2.5.6 SiGe amplifiers
2.6 Detection of microwave-modulated light
2.6.1 Modulation index
2.6.2 Phase noise
3 Heuristic approach to the Leeson effect
3.1 Oscillator fundamentals
3.1.1 Starting the oscillor
3.1.2 Pulling the oscillation frequency
3.2 The Leeson formula
3.3 The phase-noise spectrum of real oscillators
3.3.1 Noisy amplifier and fluctuation-free resonator
3.3.2 The effect of the output buffer
3.3.3 The effect of resonator noise
3.3.4 Resonator?amplifier interaction
3.4 Other types of oscillator
3.4.1 Delay-line oscillator
3.4.2 Frequency-locked oscillators
3.4.3 Pound stabilized oscillators
4 Phase noise and feedback theory
4.1 Resonator differential equation
4.1.1 Homogeneous equation
4.1.2 Inhomogeneous equation
4.2 Resonator Laplace transform
4.2.1 Symmetry properties of high-Q resonators
4.3 The oscillator
4.3.1 Mathematical properties
4.3.2 Further remarks
4.4 Resonator in phase space
4.4.1 Phase-step method
4.4.2 Input signal tuned exactly to the resonator?s natural frequency
4.4.3 Detuned input signal
4.5 Proof of the Leeson formula
4.5.1 Oscillator tuned exactly to the resonator?s natural frequency
4.5.2 Detuned oscillator
4.5.3 Pulling the oscillator frequency
4.6 Frequency-fluctuation spectrum and Allan variance
4.7 A different, more general, derivation of the resonator phase response
4.7.1 Input signal tuned exactly to the resonator?s natural frequency
4.8 Frequency transformations
5 Noise in delay-line oscillators and lasers
5.1 Basic delay-line oscillator
5.2 Optical resonators
5.2.1 Fabry?P?rot interferometer
5.2.2 Whispering-gallery resonator
5.3 Mode selection
5.3.1 Amplitude-only filter
5.3.2 Phase-only filter
5.4 The use of a resonator as a selection filter
5.4.1 De-tuned resonator
5.4.2 Flat-response band-pass filter
5.5 Phase-noise response
5.5.1 No selection filter
5.5.2 A resonator as the selection filter
5.6 Phase noise in lasers
5.6.1 Single-mode and multimode oscillation
5.7 Close-in noise spectra and Allan variance
5.8 Examples
6 Oscillator hacking
6.1 General guidelines
6.1.1 Inspection on the data sheet
6.1.2 Parametric estimation of the spectrum
6.1.3 Interpretation
6.2 About the examples of phase-noise spectra
6.3 Understanding the quartz oscillator
6.4 Quartz oscillators
Oscilloquartz OCXO 8600 (5 MHz AT-cut BVA)
Oscilloquartz OCXO 8607 (5 MHz SC-cut BVA)
RAKON PHARAO 5 MHz quartz oscillator
FEMTO-ST LD-cut quartz oscillator (10 MHz)
Agilent 10811 quartz (10 MHz)
Agilent noise-degeneration oscillator (10 MHz)
Wenzel 501-04623 (100 MHz SC-cut quartz)
6.5 The origin of instability in quartz oscillators
6.6 Microwave oscillators
Miteq DRO mod. D-210B
Poseidon DRO-10.4-FR (10.4 GHz)
Poseidon Shoebox (10 GHz sapphire resonator)
UWA liquid-N whispering-gallery 9 GHz oscillator
6.7 Optoelectronic oscillators
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Enrico Rubiola,Phase Noise,Frequency Stability,Oscillators