Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena 1st Edition by Max Kirsch – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0415952417, 978-
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ISBN 10: 0415952417
ISBN 13: 978-0415952415
Author: Max Kirsch
This collection of essays addresses the inclusion and exclusion of peoples, populations and regions in an era of global economic and social integration. Although many publications have discussed the way in which globalization has changed the nature of boundaries, space and the movement of peoples, there is a wide gap in a literature that rarely addresses the reaction of local communities and inclusion for some stakeholders in decision making while excluding others, particularly in regard to global integration of industry, the legislation of planning, and trade. This gap has often led to narrow and sometimes misleading ways of presenting the results of globalizing processes. This collection aims to bridge this gap by providing on-the ground case studies that lead to alternative ways of viewing current conceptual frameworks of globalization and its consequences.
This collection is an elaboration of a special issue of Urban Anthropology that contained essays by June Nash, Jack Goody, Helen Safa and Max Kirsch. The special issue addressed concerns that have become prominent not only in anthropology but in the wider social sciences and humanities. The reader focuses on the conceptual divisions among the constructs of space and place, indigenous strategies for autonomy, polity and global planning mechanisms, and the role of trans-national corporations in community disintegrations and resistance.
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena 1st Table of contents:
Section I: World Systems Theory Revisited
Chapter 1: Globalization and the Domestic Group
- References
- Notes
Chapter 2: Theoretical and Empirical Elements in the Study of Globalization
- Place in a Global and Digital Economy
- The Material Practices of Globalization
- New Geographies of Centrality and of Marginality
- A New Transnational Politics of Place?
- Sited Materialities with Global Span
- A Networked Subeconomy
- The Intersection Between Actual and Digital Space
- What Does Contextuality Mean in This Setting?
- Denationalized State Agendas and Privatized Norm Making
- Conclusion
- References
- Notes
Chapter 3: Do Cellular Phones Dream of Civil War? The Mystification of Production and the Consequences of Technology Fetishism in the Eastern Congo
- Introduction: Cities of Bits Versus Cities in Bits: Coltan and the Digital Divide
- Global Accounting
- The Political and Cultural Economy of Coltan
- Cultural Economies of War
- The Cultural Dimensions of Coltan
- Conclusion
- References
- Notes
Section II: Development Theory, Social Cohesion, and the New Indigenism
Chapter 4: Development Strategies, the Exclusion of Women, and Indigenous Alternatives
- Development for Whom?
- Failure of Trickle-Down Effect and the Critique of Development in the 1970s and 1980s
- The Debt Crisis and Women’s Roles in Survival Economics
- Endogenous Development with Women as Leaders in the New Revolution
- Autonomous Development as an Alternative to Neoliberalism
- Plan Puebla Panama and the Invasion of Oaxaca and Lacandón Jungles
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Concluding Remarks
- References
- Notes
Chapter 5: Indigenism and Its Discontents
- Indigenous Defined
- The Terrain of the Indigenous
- The Khoisan
- On Kalahari Revisionism
- The Khoisan Story
- Indigenism Today
- Conclusion: Indigenes and Anthros
- References
Chapter 6: Environmentalism, Global Community, and the New Indigenism
- Environmentalism and Globalization
- Scientific Legitimacy and Transnational Empathy
- Cultural Critique and Moral Identity
- Tensions in Eco-Community
- Against Monoculturalism
- References
- Notes
Chapter 7: Disorderly Development: Globalization and the Idea of Culture in the Kalahari
- Globalization and Culture
- Indigenous Identities in Southern Africa
- Taming the “Wild” Bushmen
- The Omaheke San Today
- Disorder, Corruption, and Class Consciousness
- Moving Targets
- Ethnic Entrepreneurs and Ethnotourism
- Conclusion
- References
- Notes
Section III: Identity, Social Planning, and Political Power
Chapter 8: Incorporation and Identity in the Making of the Modern World
Chapter 9: Questioning Mestizaje: The Social Mobilization of Afrodescendent Women in Latin America
- Development of Racial and Gender Consciousness
- Promoting the Welfare and Social Mobility of the Afrodescendent Population
- Pressuring the State to Redress Inequities
- References
- Notes
Chapter 10: The Politics of Exclusion: Place and the Legislation of the Environment in the Florida Everglades
- A Brief History of the Everglades
- Getting There
- Levels of Integration
- Global Forces
- National Influences
- Locality and Sugar
- The Implications of Everglades Restoration
- Politics and Stratagems
- Conclusion
- References
- Notes
Chapter 11: Political Struggles in Legal Arenas: Some African Instances
- Introduction
- Burkina Faso
- A Kenyan’s Career from the 1980s to the Present
- International Tribunals and Africa
- Universal Jurisdiction: The Theory
- Conclusions
- References
- Notes
Chapter 12: Dangerous and Endangered Youth: Social Structures and Determinants of Violence
- Prologue: The Violence of Everyday Life
- Brazil: Death Squads and Democratization
- South Africa: Youth Violence, Popular Justice, and Human Rights
- White Justice: The Amy Biehl Trial
- Who Counts?
- Popular Justice and the Comrades
- The Problem of the Incident
- Discipline and Punish
- Reconciliation—Letting Go
- Postscript
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