Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation 1st Edition by Lindsay Bassett – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781491929483,1491929480
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Product details:
ISBN 10:1491929480
ISBN 13:9781491929483
Author:Lindsay Bassett
What is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and how can you put it to work? This concise guide helps busy IT professionals get up and running quickly with this popular data interchange format, and provides a deep understanding of how JSON works. Author Lindsay Bassett begins with an overview of JSON syntax, data types, formatting, and security concerns before exploring the many ways you can apply JSON today. From Web APIs and server-side language libraries to NoSQL databases and client-side frameworks, JSON has emerged as a viable alternative to XML for exchanging data between different platforms. If you have some programming experience and understand HTML and JavaScript, this is your book. Learn why JSON syntax represents data in name-value pairs Explore JSON data types, including object, string, number, and array Find out how you can combat common security concerns Learn how the JSON schema verifies that data is formatted correctly Examine the relationship between browsers, web APIs, and JSON Understand how web servers can both request and create data Discover how jQuery and other client-side frameworks use JSON Learn why the CouchDB NoSQL database uses JSON to store data
Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation 1st Table of contents:
1. What Is JSON?
JSON Is a Data Interchange Format
JSON Is Programming Language Independent
Key Terms and Concepts
2. JSON Syntax
JSON Is Based on JavaScript Object Literals
Name-Value Pairs
Proper JSON Syntax
Syntax Validation
JSON as a Document
The JSON MediaType
Key Terms and Concepts
3. JSON Data Types
Quick Look at Data Types
The JSON Data Types
The JSON Object Data Type
The JSON String Data Type
The JSON Number Data Type
The JSON Boolean Data Type
The JSON null Data Type
The JSON Array Data Type
Key Terms and Concepts
4. JSON Schema
Contracts with Validation Magic
Introduction to JSON Schema
Key Terms and Concepts
5. JSON Security Concerns
A Quick Look at Client- and Server-Side Relationships
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Injection Attacks
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Holes in Security: Architectural Decisions
Key Terms and Concepts
6. The JavaScript XMLHttpRequest and Web APIs
Web APIs
The JavaScript XMLHttpRequest
Relationship Woes and Rules About Sharing
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Key Terms and Concepts
7. JSON and Client-Side Frameworks
jQuery and JSON
Key Terms and Concepts
8. JSON and NoSQL
The CouchDB Database
The CouchDB API
Key Terms and Concepts
9. JSON on the Server Side
Serializing, Deserializing, and Requesting JSON
A Smorgasbord of JSON HTTP Requests
Ruby on Rails
Key Terms and Concepts
10. Conclusion
JSON as a Configuration File
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